‘Hesitancy’ – we live in a feast of ‘maybe’s’



We hear this word – a lot now

It is bandied about these days in relation to the surge of instructions to hasten up  to involve ourselves in an experimental (not tested on animals) event. Maybe we know we are in sovereignty crisis? Maybe we know we only we are all consequences? Maybe we are aware of the non health giving properties of interfering with nature?

This – is hidden in plain sight. If you have the wit to see. Some of us are NOT able to not see it. Please be kind. Maybe be grateful if you are in The Matrix and cannot see. Those of us who do – are on the other side – and have no idea why it is not seen for you also.

One natural healing detective speaks

(45 years – a life spent in service when all else ‘orthodox – medical’ has failed)

Some of us are here for this.
Shall we Stand Up and DO IT????

OR allow . . .
Divide . . . and conquer
Maybe you want to hold to ‘comfy’ and .  .

Do not want to know.
Do not want to rock the boat?

Wish  to remain anonymous?
Me too.

BUT some of us are here to tread softly on the planet and to bring more Light through . .

Do have compassion for those of us who are on a different path . .

In times to come you may well need us


Be here .  .

Be love

Breathe . .

Live in your life – with love, grace and wonder. .
We are here for this, and now.
Heart opening time …