Pricklies – what are we doing?




At this point – you are some way into playing with the concepts and the actuality of using pricklies.
Have – an idea of the classifications of moves in the Gentling Way touchey work

You likely were already were working with people in some way and are adding to past skills.

Can’t sleep
Gut issues
Bleeding – as in period awry
Not necessarily in this order – but usually is at least one of these.
Any body labeled issue will ALSO have these online – what to start with?
Not straight into their problem x, y, z. . .
BUT at least  we declutter, reset, restore –
Triage – Shen ?
Cold present messing with Yang Qi?
Scars blocking Qi and lymph and Blood flows (and often nerves as well).

Move the Qi

Allow flows to flow
Clear what is up for attention
Energy follows thought – what needs realigning?
Body heals itself – what is stopping this?

Clear what structural/what blocks structural

Gut – can it work?

Sleep – can they refresh overnight?
Pain – is that present?
Bleeding – is this in order?
(OF not and whether they came in for this or not – is the priority)
Stuck Belly Blood on all.

How long are you in session?
What is their priority?
Must work out what is active to mess with normal.

Are they used to normal?

Order of business
Establish what part of Triage you are in – Calm Shen, pull out Cold – any scars?
Regardless of how many times you have seen them – life has happened as well.

What is ready to move?

Shen – must be calm.
Moving out WHY it has not been resolved . .Stuck is the issue to resolve – can’t clear/heal self . .
Qi has to move – what and where – is there enough to do this?
Check – not for diagnosis’ but to let the body tell you what is happening.
Clear – top layer – to expose more
Soothe – what happened then?
FIX – maybe a few of these in the session – but intersperse with the others –
Settle – if something major comes up/happens.

Go from there as it is dynamic.

Q – When do you know when enough is done?
What is your end point? – Have them calmer, clearer, and more flowing.
What do we do differently?
MOVE QI – that is the focus – gently . . at the recipient’s pace – to a point . .Breathe and release . . in pricklies –

Check – where are they at?
Maybe an acupuncturist is taught tongue and pulse and possibly palpation as ‘diagnosis’.
Here in pricklies, we are evaluating the dynamic state of Qi – it can change with a thought . .
We use pokies (CLICK) to establish.