Pricklies #4



Where we have been

Where we are going – filling the gaps/providing context..
Where we are going – towards understanding how to undo Stuck Belly Blood

  • Beginning – not teaching acupuncture: taking the hand people into the pricklies.(beginning class is here – CLICK) Many meridians and beginning concepts   .
  • 2 – Classification of points – and intention – what are we planning to do in a session  . .
  • 3.20 – How did I make it work?
  • 4 – Evolution of this work . . Belinda arrived
  • 5Structure Determines Function – taught as a body based Qi aligner – and maternal . .plus womb placement
  • 7 – Plus kinesiology . .and then Body Talk
  • 8 – Started with scars – and in Cairns (CLICK)
  • 12 – Belinda – not using Xi Cleft or Mu points as checkers. . Points types (CLICK)
  • 13.30 – Not all points hurt – when you poke them – Xi Cleft and Mu will- some will as they are blocked – some not.
  • 15 – Original scar – and birthing colour changes.
  • 17 – Needling also to use Kaliana’s remedies – designed for this.
  • 18 – Starting new bunch – acupuncturists to take through – the pregnancy needs – and healing after C sections etc.  .
  • 19 – What hurts? What is stuck . . (Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it).
  • 20Belinda – little massage on the scar on the head. . Seems to be doing less.
  • 21.30 – Hierarchy of meridians . .
  • 24 – 8 Extras most important – triage – and the space clearer – but we all need to feel clear, calm and safe
  • 25.30 – Get out of the story – first . .
  • 27 Stuck Belly Blood is the finishing point (pokies points – CLICK)
  • 28.30 Luo points (CLICK) – three versions of – skin, longitudinal and transverse
  • 30 – Deepest meridians are the 8 Extras – Chong using the St and Ki points – is 1 1/2 inches in – the mains are superficial. Micro bleeding (CLICK)
  • 34  – Times of the month = change how we relate with the world.
  • 35 Acupuncture in the New Millennium – (1999)
  • 36.30 – John Pirog
  • 37.30 – Interesting writing out of the most important aspects of meridians in the TCM texts.  .
  • 41 – Shu points(CLICK) and the differences between 2 acupuncturists and what they do with them
  • 43 – Back points
  • 44 Hua Tu Points (CLICK)
  • 45 – How to undo the blockages on the spine – GV.
  • 47 – Working out how to undo the reservoirs – 8 Extras.  .
  • 49.30 – Undo the Qi – and horse position then extend the Qi out – from the arms – to fingers. .
  • 51 – Tai Qi – warm up exercise
  • 53 – playing with STUCK in the spine . .need to start with the Master Point – Bl 62 and then poke the intevertebral and the HuaTo’s .
  • 57 – My accident
  • 1.00.00 – Self soothing – lub-dub – mum’s heartbeat . . cellular memory. Mum – is US

  • 1.02.30 – Belinda and sensing their energetic fields. Shen clearing points (CLICK)
  • 1.04.00 – Masks and HIV/AIDS – all with a low grade sinus infection AS WELL as all else. .
  • 1.06.30 – I will let teh hard pregnancy work go next .