After C sections/abdominal surgical incursions



I have been warning that this is coming for years. Where we are – WHAT NEXT?

You personally may have had a surgical need – or this may pique your clinical interest . .  You may also be concerned about the mess you feel in after. Or the complications that are seemingly ignored by the mainstream players. Here is one woman’s way out of the quandry – “Can I get my body back?”

I am not here speaking to the emotional residue – though those who know my work know that is the basis – here we are setting the scene for real healing. The body remembers everything that has ever happened to it. I aim to remove the ‘need’ for the C section – initial and subsequent.  Big ask? Not really – mammals birth. Survival of the fittest. By ignoring this fact – long the way we are collecting very damaged mums, fractious bubs, fractured families – and broken lives.  Let us retrieve our baby’s birthrights.  Here is where to start . .

When watching these – our ability to understand spoken words is faster than we speak – you can expedite this – by clicking on the top left hand corner and you can increase the speed – I do 1.70 usually – but that is me who spoke it – at least – not take as long as you would in ‘real’ time.

1 – Introduction 

  • You may have a ledge/not normal sensations – or a back/neck that is NOT getting better.
  • Maybe from any surgery  .

2 – Many layers of distortion to the blueprint

Skin has healed – BUT – there is connective tissue, organs and sacral/back residue – and how you feel about it all.

3 – Why this matters

  • Like to feel whole again? Sex easy/fun/not painful/bladder/back working as it used to .

4 – Emotions

Body remembers everything that has ever happened to it . .

Maybe start steaming (CLICK) So gentle and soothing on all levels of being

Selfing – to  Discovery (how we got to be how we are) and Reconnecting – (t align self to Self).

5 – Three Circles

  • My history of how I got to be in this work.
  • The way to explain how we work – being here.
  • Bottom circle – what we live in

6 – Linear lives

Please pretend I have a whiteboard – and the left hand side of the energy – the right – the physical
All flows have to flow – when they do not – we get stuck  . .and have pain. . Being STUCK – affects the Liver Qi and it reacts – and the entire body gets involved. Gets from Stuck LIVER QI to stuck LIVER BLOOD endomyosis to adenomysosis – and all the awful things that happen when we are not flowing ..

7 – Womb Wonders

An amalgam of lots of info – many masters.  . mine as a budding acupuncturists as I found what was missing in all I saw .. Maya (CLICK), Mercier and mostly what works in my work (CLICK) – over decades in this context . .

8 – R.I.C.E.

R.I.C.E. (CLICK) We all have to Rise Up and help those around us ..

Ruptured uterus in labor – bub on life support and another one – placental accreta (CLICK)
We NEED to get into the pelvic opening .

9 – Start with SELF

We are all of the Light . . And need to turn ourselves on.

How to disintangle from our own distress/distractions  – as we are here to help . . US first

Start here – own body

Selfing – Discovery – Reconnecting – and onto the hand move sand my advanced Moving Blockages work – with or without needles (as an advanced acupuncture teacher).

COURSE trajectory . . what do YOU want to learn? All starts with Selfing – as in we work on US first .




Working through the content – and how you can . .
We start online. . . self paced ..


It looked like this when we could all come together and have 2 or 4/5 day retreats . . with each other

OR – if you are mainly interested in the pregnancy hands-on . .and birthing preparation