Pricklies – general #2


From Pricklies #1 (CLICK)

We are having instant get togethers as I am/we are not as useful at planning as what changes – in a heartbeat.

Loosely we covered:

  • Working/being in these times
  • Classification of points – ting, pokies, Master Points and Xi Clefts, ear points
  • Accidents – prolotherapy
  • Undoing nice (towel)
  • Pulling out Invasion of Wind Cold in the 6 Divisions

STAY STRONG . . and ting points (CLICK)

  • Beginning – context of this here and now.
  • 4.45 – the hard cases . . me digging up the truth – was of knowing . .
  • 6.00 – here this time around as female . .men are actually easier to treat – no cycles to deal with.
  • 7.20 – We have to stand up – as we are in the ever diminishing minority.
  • 8.45 – PLEASE someone – take a record of the chat group – at least on pricklies – and maybe say you are so no double handling? The actual L.L.I. group also – and all the months we did it.
  • 11.30Ting points – we are ALL so full of rage.
  • 13 – Clear, calm, safe.  . .

  • 14.00 – all is now stuck in USA . .- post not coming here.
  • 15 – classifications of points.  Classifications #1 (CLICK to download)
  • 16.00–  Perfect toes energy ‘feeding’ them is equal.
  • 17 –  Hands – my little finger . .
  • 18 – Physiogomy – Dr Shen telling me at age 29 that I would have a heart issue at 42 (which  I did)
  • 19 Ki 1 – ting points is on the sole – avoid all cold coming in. .
  • 22.00 – Me visiting the organic butcher
  • 24 – Vanessa’s dad – got muscled into this. And Douglas – so has GP – survived the flu vaccine !! FIRST DO NO HARM – where did this start up – medical – drug pushers . ..
  • 26 – P.J.C. – post jab chaos . .
  • 27.30 – Snipping pine needles.. Pine strengthens the aura (CLICK) – use pine oil on your temples.
  • 28.30 – Remove residual cold first . . and then address the Shen – Damp – any hard case . . use topical iodine. .
  • 30 – Only as good a your gut.

  • 31.30 – segue of these trainings – we are now in pricklies but there was selfing . .self discovery – reconnecting.
  • 33.30 – Acute stroke – ting points (CLICK) – WIND
  • 35.30 – Repeat customer – the entire medical model is designed to milk $$ forever – recognised drug dealers..
  • 39.30  – The seven ‘L’s’ – (CLICK) – the lie that we need all that micromanaging.
  • 40 – Chlordane – causes neuroblastoma.
  • 41Ear acupuncture – it hurts it works. Porcupine bum treatment.
  • 43 – Ting points and master points – and then Xi Clefts – how we start moving Q – classifications of points – Sita briefly in and out – her phone cut this off . . pokies and mu points – on the front – and not the same as the Lu 1 area – then aIl test the Master Points – experientials – as well – me found it in clinic – and Ting – are at beginning and end of the meridians – not ting on the 8 Extras. .

  • 48 – Can’t move Qi if something is blocking this. . .
  • 49 – How to get the Qi (and blood ) move with the ting points. .  How to set them up . .and do soothing again ..
  • 51.30 – Moving ‘later’ out of them . . only a wee bit of blood. Have tissues on hand.
  • 52 – Elbow – how to work out which meridian is involved more – BUT start with all that moves the circulation in upper body – Gua Sha and cupping etc – and of course – where is the magnesium – etc. .
    Have to set this up – pricklies are not first (usually – It Depends).
  • 56 – We (women) learn from experience and relationship – Women’s Ways of Knowing (WWK) proposed five epistemological perspectives by which women know and view the world. These are (i) silence, (ii) subjective knowing, (iii) received knowing, (iv) procedural knowing and (v) constructed knowing.

  • 57.30Prolotherapy (CLICK) (Prolotherapy is the injection of an irritant solution (usually a form of sugar called dextrose) into joints, ligaments or tendons. It usually involves three to four or more shots given monthly for several months, followed by occasional, as-needed injections).O.S.L. – in L.L.I. – as it got all to question – they are back on thinking then.
  • 59 – Roll up a towel – and roll it up and bash something – Liver Qi – needs to move.
  • 1.00.00 – Nice does not work . . picture taking in class.  .
  • 1.01.30 – Butcher not getting a jab ..
  • 1.04.00 – The scar workshop (CLICK) – is raw footage think of a patient and put yourselves in their shoes while you watch and tell me what else needs please. Question answering – what to do with your C section scar . .
  • 1.11.00Jenna – and all – listen up – be the business – not employed. Vanessa – rainbow market
  • 1.14.001981 – it unfolds. .
  • 1.15.30 – Young Heather was primed for now. . 4 H’s ways of KNOWING
  • 1.18.00 – TURN UP YOUR OWN LIGHT

  • 1.19.30 – We have to stay attuned and bonded and stay with our tribes . .yesterday’s Advanced pricklies – do watch.
  • 1.21.00 Vanessa’s son – too hot inside – is false heat . .
    1.21.50 Invasion of Wind Cold in the 6 Division – briefly . .
  • 1.23.00 – who knows what the individual’s actual reason for sickness . .
  • 1.24.00 – must get the cold that went in – OUT – heat – old people’s ways ..
  • 1.26.00 – Teaching example – perfect – it all works – in sequence – when you use the appropriate treatment. .
  • 1.28.30 – Declutter . . .
  • 1.30.00 – Selfing – how do they differ? Personal development workshop – using your OWN hands.
  • 1.33.30 – Feeling better our hands  our bodies.
  • All in the threes – pre course online courses – and then actual workshop – preferably in person – and support after.
  • 1.34.30 – Lisa – BEFORE self Care – gentle – lives the way I get you to ponder is different question . .helping with our own hands.  . OWNING YOU
  • 1.37.30 – If you choose to get jabbed – it is only YOU that lives with the consequences.
  • 1.39.00 – The cards and how to run the workshops . .
  • 1.40.00 – What we will do in workshops – when I get back from traveling this last time. .
  • 1.42.00 – I used to do a pre day. . to get them out of the middle circle.

  • 1.44.00 – All were large experts – in the Victorian acup full course.
  • 1.45.30 – Where did the programmes come from
  • 1.53.00 – Vanessa – and the Victorian acup class.
  • 1.54.00 – It costs us too much – if/when we do NOT put ourselves first
  • Free STUCK cards – coming . . lead with your yes – why saying no?
  • Programmes ..  getting out of your own way (CLICK – download 2010 eBook)

Pricklies – #3 (CLICK) to do yet