Pricklies – ting points



Gentling Way – tenetsThe Body remembers . .. it heals itself – when we take out what is preventing this – hence Moving Blockages to Healing has been my theme song since I began in this Qi world. . – what stops it from resetting itself back to blueprint? And we have that line – of ‘causation’- as in what is ‘driving ‘us’
Gets quickly into ‘what is a ‘person’?

Distractions . .


Body responses – how we stick ourselves up – tangles abound . . .


And here are the charts again . .

Classifications #1   Clearing:poking Points #1

Also Intentions and expectations

We clear STUCK

Meridians – channels of flow – when disrupted – you do not feel as should. And maybe also can have colour changes.
Think peripheral neuropathy  of any ‘reason’ – the right hand of page talks to the drug that may be ‘needed forever – but when we get all working as designed – then no need to talk as this.

NOTE that this is also diagnostic – the first time I am playing with Dave’s body – the squash incident.

DUNCAN – overwork injury

Underlying Duprutyen’s syndrome (CLICK) (needs iodine)
After attacking lots of trees, he had a lump mysteriously appear and stiff hand.

He still needs acc recall.
I forgot when I had people in the house with me to help.

I started at the ting points.
Ting bleeding then sole of opposite foot,
then addressed his year long stiff little finger also.

I attacked the opposite foot – instantly felt vastly relieved

Bandaged after strong comfrey ointment rubbed in
negative ion pads left on overnight. Next morning – much better