Yeppoon – ‘fire’ cupping



A wee tutorial . .

Why we do this?

It works . .
It is a time honoured home remedy – international.
I always Gua Sha first – so as to get the body ready – less likelihood of blisters.

It was wonderful that Nathalie was there to film this part of the session.
This is Acup 101 – always taught in the first practicals – we have to clear out what is stuck . .

Sha and also cold and wind – and ‘tension’
Part of Declutter – Moving Blockages.
It is inappropriate to dispense the wrong treatment – and needling is not always the first call. Often we need to exit the cold/wind – and often at the very beginning of cold invasion – this is past magic. If it is warranted – all ‘old wives’ told of avoiding cold and wind – was a killer – and really – is THE major reaction of a weakened body – we ‘catch cold’. Also a ‘wry neck’, and Bell’s palsy . .

First Do No Harm – no drafts, no cool cups, keep the person warm and covered, ensure the drinking water is tepid, that they are not getting off onto cold floors, and that you are aware of the fire hazard, that you have water on hand to put the pre lit tissues into and that you are also hydrated and ready for anything. A thick mat or something to stop accidental breakage should a cup pop off due the person moving around or the suction being lost. The hard floor is death to glass – and then you get to divert for more safety issues.

Think the 6 Divisions – the Tai Yang division (SI/Bl) is covering the back of the neck/top of spinal/shoulder area. This is prone to attack of cold and wind – especially then allowing wind into the ‘wind’ points at the nape of the neck – and across the occiput /neck junction there are all those spots where Qi is stuck – the blanching of the skin is the key – and often it feels cold to touch.
When we clear this out – the potential ‘tension’ leading to all pain and aching and arm/wrist.hand/migraines and scoliosis, STUCK anything is released. Also is very relaxing.
Does not have to be on super tight – or left on more than 10 minutes . .it will feel very heavy.
The person is not to be blistered at the end. We avoid – Gua Sha and not having a purple look to the cups (hence we use glass) and not o hurt when they are on. They may itch – pull some of the suction out. .

1 – Beginnings

Needed – artery clamps, methylated spirits, tissues, matches, oil and glass cups (pre warmed – using an electric towel warmer is easiest).

2 – Gua Sha first – cups on

More on Gua Sha here (CLICK)
The smaller to larger configuration is at the bottom of this page.

3 – Cups off

Gently take off by adding air into the cups. Go straight into massaging the accumulated STUCK away. Cover as thd pores are open – no breezes.

4 – Recap – for the bottom

Really large cups on this area. I did not go out to the hips, as I did not want my cups to fall and break on the floor. This can feel very pinchy – so do release some suction when the air inside the cups has cooled down – the person cupped needs to get over the initial shock, ease into it – and to also give the process a chance to start working.

5 – Onto the sacrum/butt and releasing the suction somewhat

Note the larger flame – more methys on the tissue. DO NOT heat up the cup edges – I have a  branding in my back from too hot cups – the flame is to only be INSIDE the cup.

When I have more cups . . .

This is part of declutter.
To reset to the template. To restore the ways of life.

Also see me with L.L.II – Atarau, 2021 – CLICK)

Also chest – Rachel (CLICK)