Catch up 9th August


Here we are in locked in who knows “what-is-next?”.

We cover how to build your own workshops as well as how we are traveling . . What is this? Book planning – as with so much – stuck in a box in NZ . .  The catchup before is here (CLICK)

  • Beginning – Catch up – Vanessa, Belinda, Lisa (blacked out), Lenley
  • 5.45 – 1 – Face to face – 1:1, 2 – Online – 3 – Service to our community (for what is ahead)
  • 8.30 – Introducing Heather’s phone Apps (2014)
  • 9.45Lichen Scelorosis (CLICK)
  • 13 – eventually will be back on the phone – free – and ads to see this work, and affiliate links to get to know what to do more.
  • 15.40 – Need passive income – so we can be free when possible.
  • 16.30 – Lisa – possibly write the puberty ..

HOT BLOOD –  and how?

  • 18 Bladder (CLICK)  (Vanessa) Lenley – how to deal with a baby/child whose gut does not function
  • 19 – How to write a workshop – How to series.  . .without . . . Fiona – how to survive well after a dog attack
  • 21.50Gua Sha (CLICK) – resilience and stoisism
  • 23.30 Belinda – how to rescue self after burnout – Lisa – teenage girls . .
  • 25 – and then you get them in to do whatever else – and online also .. how to . . .
  • Thrive Now – undoing life library – and all that is in the Gentle Selfing Discovery
  • 27 – what we can all do = pelvic opening – and Selfing (take a class)

ORDER? Pelvic Opening /Foundational Moves/Selfing/Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai – to go through online Self Discovery. What I learned in teaching. Arvigo Self Care? (CLICK for pdf)

  • 30 – Reconnecting – a great workshop – but we need the Blood energy to be functional before we play with womb placement .
  • 32.30 – We all need a grand plan – I have one.
  • 33.30 – Why Winton? Why not?
  • 35Fiona lost
  • 36 – Selfing weekend 28/29th August (CLICK)
  • 38 – Cards to be done . . draft version – will do perfect later.
  • 42Vanessa’s loss of hearing this week.  .
  • 44 – Lymph/adhesions. moves, needling
  • 46 – What NEXT  esp if jabbed – Blood stagnation ..
  • 47 Teaching schedule (CLICK)
  • 49 – Need to be in a tribe
  • 50 Rachel and non operation – appendix.
  • 51 – What do we do when we can’t get to the doctor?/When what the doctor says – doesn’t work – what next?
  • 52Vanessa and mold sensitivity (and the rest).
  • 56 Selfing – when you have done a few of these – you get $330 – ME $220 each student you bring in.
  • 57Eve – and bad accident (CLICK)
  • 1.00.00 – Ingredients – taken from the apps.
  • 1.02.00 – Molybedenon General info (CLICK) Manganese, Boron, Germanium  Diet and Minerals (CLICK)
  • Amena’s Sea Minerals (CLICK)
  • 1.08.00 Vanessa – could write the course that she needed – we all have learned – this ie how we hand it on – simple – and get paid passively . .

Why we use moxa and a ginger/salt routine – not the moxa stick
(After cupping navel)

This does explain why the cold may be still present Lenley – part 2 of the process is incomplete. Once I did NINE lots of moxa on needles – not my usual three. That fixed him! (Chronic fatigue, that was gradually improving – until I upped the dose – to what I had never done before. a bad case of where is the Glutathione accelerator)? (CLICK)

Kaliana’s drops work

A small tale of Accident Recall (CLICK) and Kaliana’s magic

How to write your own workshops

We all have a (or many) special skills. We all carry wee snippets others could benefit from.
I could do up a very brief knitting one – from this footage (CLICK).

Need a large piece of paper and some post-it notes in different colours – great start – reordering thoughts.