Using sharp pricklies – scars and their legacy



The combo of Moving Blockages and 8 Extras – after the handy moves and using other tools leads us into resolving lives. We also need to look at the entire process of being self – as we need NOT To get involve in the story as per the orthodox – but stay in the energy – and soul purpose – at least of ourselves.

Taking anyone through this – we declutter – taking out the shock, the cold and the scars and adhesions, correcting then the body misalignment

Allowing the flows to flow, the structure then determining how the blueprint was to be – the viscera sliding and gliding – and the body then in some semblance of healing itself- IF the energy is allowed to flow – as the thoughts may need shifting (beliefs) and as the body does remember everything that had ever happened to it.

Releasing the past (CLICK) – after 2 C sections – and having breasts and ovaries taken out due to her fears of leaving her boys motherless as she was – plus all female relations dying of cancer.

After terminal prostate cancer diagnosis
Paul – 1 (CLICK)

Paul 2 (CLICK)