Moves revision July 2021


Teaching tools in class work



Initial moves – ‘short hand’

Work out how you record what you do

I find that squiggles are the easiest





Classification of moves (CLICK)

Gentling Way Initial Moves check list (CLICK to download)

How you may write up in notes


What moves are where? (CLICK to download)

Gentling Way Initial Moves check list (CLICK to download)

Reconnecting only (CLICK to download)

MOVES LLI (CLICK to download)


What next?

Consolidation (whose life is it)

Putting self first – habits for life

ALL notice that when they daily steam, their womb loves it.
As does their entire body.
Self soothing belly work, castor oil packs, taking care of the first hour of the day (yours)) and taking 10,000 steps daily plus 3 litres of tepid water, and only eating when actually needing refueling/repairing and then with what will do the job – are all central to living well.

Find a study buddy – your body also needs tending!