Sarah beginning July 2021

Hello . .

We need to follow nature . .

More here. .

Life Recipe (CLICK)

Gut health – see this eBook life-support (CLICK)

Avoid if possible grains and pulses.

Eating mainly veggies, fat, (thus protein) – nuts and seeds.
Have to ask – why you?
No one else got this – but you – why?

Mentioned – no particular order:

Glutathione – 6 in the morning  $200 about every three months
Is more important than taking supplements – getting rid of why you can’t get what is needed out of food.
Reset all you would need is Vit D, iodine and mag plus the good gut function – and of course loving life!!
Magnesium recipe on bottom of page
20 times a day . . . seriously – ever loo visit use on bum and thighs
Castor oil

What we make hormones with (CLICK) 44.30 

Thyroid – my whole life’s hassle – and now hair . .

Low Thyroid Function

Do trawl all through here – esp food/diet

Healthy Living


About Iodine (19.30)

Look for 50,000 iu online USA – see it at 19.50

The human microbiome

Gut pH needs to be 1-2.  Then it kills of anything that is in there that is not supposed to be there.

Calm your gut (CLICK)

Serrapetase (23.00) – get 3 lots of this (250,000 strength) and then stop – for the adhesions within (CLICK).

A little more on (CLICK)

Stress (lack of bio available magnesium)

Where Does Stress Go? (Stuck Liver Qi)

Panaxea +61 1300 133 807
Subject line – Heather Bruce patient – and your name
Tell them your details and what you want (I will also have suggested so they will send you . .whatever)
 Pro Creation D (Blood tonic) and D-stress (one at night for a week then use as needed??)

Take 4 x3 Pro Creation D as it will build up your Blood energy

WDCD book – look at the p 104/105 – Moxa St 36 point and the ones to help Spleen Yang P123

The Blood energy (CLICK) is what keeps hair on head, us sleeping, sane and so on. . Milk increase – Blood energy plus WDCD page – 239 – Lack of Blood energy  (CLICK)

Courses . . .

Selfing – 3 here – soothing (belly work), peri steaming, and what causes health

or simply enter SELFING00 at checkout

 LIV 52 D.S. (CLICK)

Terraflora (CLICK)

Serrrapeptase (CLICK) (need 250,00 strength)


Magnesium (CLICK)

Vit D3 (CLICK)

Questions answered





Liver Yin Xu (overly stressed – start your exploration of all of this here (CLICK )
And also in this eBook woman tides 201801 (CLICK)

Glutathione accelerator

From here (CLICK)

Detox drops (CLICK) – take 5 drops x 6 daily – find out why . .(CLICK)