
Please also see here Precis – is SCAR RELEASE

What are you looking at on the right?

The ledge that happens when the adhesions are present . .
We can undo all of this . .
Body Heals Itself.
Shall we help it?

  1. Anti-inflammatory Action: Serrapeptase helps reduce inflammation by breaking down substances in the inflamed areas that contribute to pain and swelling. This includes the breakdown of bradykinin, a peptide that induces inflammation and pain. By facilitating the removal of inflammatory mediators and fluid accumulation (edema), serrapeptase can alleviate pain and promote faster recovery from injuries or surgery.
  2. Fibrinolytic Activity: Serrapeptase exhibits fibrinolytic properties, meaning it can dissolve fibrin, a protein involved in blood clotting and scar tissue formation. This activity is beneficial in conditions characterized by excessive fibrin deposition, such as cardiovascular diseases, where it may help prevent atherosclerotic plaque formation, and in post-operative healing, by reducing scar tissue.
  3. Enhancing Antibiotic Efficacy: Interestingly, serrapeptase can improve the efficacy of antibiotics in treating infections. By breaking down biofilms, protective layers produced by bacteria to shield themselves from antibiotics, it allows for greater penetration of antibiotics into the infected tissues.
  4. Mucus Clearance: In respiratory conditions, serrapeptase assists in mucus clearance by thinning and breaking down mucus secretions. This action facilitates easier breathing and the removal of mucus, which may harbor bacteria and other pathogens.
What Is Serrapeptase?
Serrapeptase is a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory protease enzyme originating from the silkworm.
This unusual enzyme comes from Serratia, a bioactive group of bacteria that live inside them.
Serratia are essential to the silkworm’s survival. After it weaves a silk cocoon and begins transforming into a moth, it releases Serratia bacteria from its gut.
The Serratia produce serrapeptase, an enzyme that eats through protein. The serrapeptase dissolves the silk cocoon, opening it up for the silk moth to emerge.
 Serrapeptase’s protein-dissolving properties can be just as useful in your body — boasting plenty of benefits.
You can take serrapeptase to help dissolve scar tissue, fight inflammation, improve your immune response, and decrease pain.
What Does It Do Exactly?
Incredibly, Serrapeptase actually searches for and dissolves non-living tissue, cysts, fibrin (a component of scar tissue), blood clots, arterial plaque, and inflammation.
Serrapeptase will digest only non-living, non-beneficial tissue, allowing the old toxic layers that clog up the systems and the lining of the arteries to dissolve, leaving behind healthy tissue.
So yes, plaque in the arteries can be resolved with Serrapeptase. It also helps to resolve so many other health issues, such as:
Traumatic injury
Cystic breast disease
Sinus issues
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Nerve damage
Multiple Sclerosis
Chronic ear infections
Lung congestion
Swollen glands
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Prostate problems
Post-operative scars
Varicose veins
Blood clots
And of course blocked fallopian tubes.
Since most diseases and ailments are initially caused by inflammation, the uses are extremely wide-ranging.
How Will This Help Heal My Fallopian Tubes?
In the past five to ten years or so, there have been many accounts of women who have restored their Fallopian tubes with Serrapeptase!
It’s truly an astonishing discovery and something in which science and medical doctors have not even caught on with yet!
It takes just a quick Google search to see the hundreds of women who have healed themselves using Serrapeptase and the other healing modalities .
Robert Redfern says, “…Serrapeptase provides a safe, fast and effective solution. As a naturally occurring enzyme,
Serrapeptase works to dissolve inflammation within the fallopian tubes for example. The inflammatory (dead, or non-living) tissue is then safely and naturally eliminated by the body, leaving the living tissue safely intact.
By effectively clearing the blocked scar tissue and inflammation, the body is then naturally capable of healing and repairing itself.
Once the fallopian tubes or ovaries are clear, many women find their chances of pregnancy increase greatly.