
How did you get to here?

Natural progression

Could not NOT do it.

Our own ‘stuff’

Starting with ‘who do YOU think you are”?
That not good enough /imposter.


Who benefits?
Maybe play the ‘it is as though’ game
Find out the congruence and follow what feels as though it fits  mo than the script that is being fed to you

Ways of Knowing
Encoded – embodied

The ‘someone one said’ (they must know more than me) one is of compliance and slavery.
IS this what you signed in for?
I did not.

We are branded – and look back at your life . .
That is the Undoing Your Life Library – perhaps revisit? Is in the Gentle Self Discovery package.
And for your children – the stuck spots ad=re not g=flowing a there are incomplete lessons there.

Who/what runs you?

A question maybe not asked often enough





WE ARE ALL OF THE LIGHT – some of us may have forgotten

We are (of the) Light

Beings of Light   

We are all protected.

Best in the company of those who are also on the path



Coming back to Self – is why we are . .