2021 manual – lymph


PART 1 of 5 in Move Your Qi

Number 1 Move Lymph – fluids congeal with lack of movement (modern life) inability to utilise the nutrients (especially Iodine and Selenium – thus the metabolism is sluggish) and the amount of cold that lurks in the vehicle (see Move 3) – usually added in for best intentions, undoing all elder’s wisdoms (old wives tales) and creating pockets of dysharmony that fester (infections). To add in lack of ooomph! – we then Rescue the Yang Qi (moxa – Move 4), and get the body in suppleness through rescuing Qi through the meridians  – the sacrum to begin the flows again (Move 5).

Now more than ever – the lymph/body waste disposal needs to work

Liver Qi has to move (move 2). If not – all life stagnates . . . secondarily, regardless of what incident befell normal living.

Introduction – context . .

Look also at this page . (CLICK).

We must be hydrated.
To do this work – they MUST have had a pee first.
Also hydration – massive issue – warm, clean and with a straw as whilst you are moving the lymph, and /or pulling out the cold – the body ramps up and starts its own cleansing – needing a great deal more resources as you are alerting it to what it has missed.

Please add on the body topical magnesium and iodine – painted on a spot that can be left alone as your belly moves will obliterate it where I usually suggest – over the ovaries.
On lower leg will be fine – observe it soak in.

We have

This is in the context of having done maybe P.A.C.E. and P.V. clearance and pulling out the cold and Stuck Liver Qi Release.

(And we have to start somewhere). If you want to explore further – start here (CLICK)

Introductory (for patients – but is comprehensive)

Explaining damp (CLICK) and phlegm (CLICK)/lymph – and iodine (CLICK) is mentioned.

Practice moves on yourself first . . .

Prelude maybe .  . Chest gougingfilmed 2015

More on chest gouging here (CLICK)

From Foundational Moves online course (filmed 2017)

Please note – watch all first as I focus on many aspects – teaching it differently each time

Intention – to move the excess fluid – in all tissues – and use topical iodine (elsewhere).

Upper lymph gouging

Always start on the left channel. Slow and shallow – maybe can feel stuff under your fingertips – do not force this
NOTE – how slow this is. Always move to the other side – so you always work away from.

Chest gouging

Head drainage

There is a lot more on head – I am looking for it on my filming in Vimeo – I may need to film it if I can’t locate.

Putting it altogether – diagraphmatic release and lower pubic area also

Intention – to move the excess fluid – in all tissues – and use topical iodine (elsewhere (CLICK)).

We must be aware – we are moving blockage to healing – the body knows what to do – and is being impeded – maybe on many levels – having not enough of the right ingredients is an important – yet often missed one.


From WDCD (filmed 2005)

Advanced . . . . adding in the Living Ligaments – Gentling Way moves post 2017

Beginnings – check integrity – diastasis

Me and Sean (filmed 2017)


On Leigh (filmed March 2020)

On a woman . .

Upper chest work – very slow (filmed mid 2020)



(filmed late 2020)