Move Your Qi follow up 2nd May


We begin – I have said all last year – we will start again – where it is.
Qi Movers – are needed. Those learning/using acupuncture have been led astray.

Is NOT about biomedicalised, or herbalised – here we have life flows – they have to move.

Tenets of this body of work

  • Energy Follows Thought – what you believe is your reality . .
  • Flows Have To Flow
  • Structure Determines Function
  • Body Remembers Everything That Ever Happened To It.
  • Body Heals Itself.

Thus – we start with Qi Moving – after looking at all – have sent you
We today are catching up – on discovering and any questions.

I have been traveling or treating – and seizing up in my own body – as the last week happened.

Reminder that this is needed: a home remedy and NOT painful.
What normal skin looks like – on the left – mine was so needed and done well.

What more do you need to know? CLICK)

Use a plastic (Japanese soup spoon) or a china (Chinese) blue and white spoon.

And oil the skin slightly

Go for it . . .
Always to be done prior to cupping (so called fire cupping – see more here (CLICK))

MUST have the right tools – artery clamps NOT a hair clip – needs must was the case this day.

Back to the Gua Sha – got more and more impossible to ignore the sore neck – Cold invasion? (CLICK)

General sitting and typing?

Cupping a back to take out stuck cold/stuff (CLICK) (always Gua Sha initially – usually does not mark up as I did).

This page is well worth watching