Pelvis work – Dr Mercier version


The moves in LL I are mostly based on Dr Jennifer Mercier’s. Though she does not source where they came from . . Remember – you are not a  . . . whatever you called yourself in the past. (What everyone else labels themselves as).

We are holistic multi modality, transformative energy body aligners.

Gentling Way womb warrior

Go to Dr Mercier’s site (CLICK) . .
Look at what we did in last few LL trainings – esp the manual I sent out from Maya (Arvigo) work. YOU need to get focused on 6 sessions – no more than a week apart.
And DO NOT do the minimal work she does we are undoing gently what held her and her womb – or what is kept in the space – hostage.
This body of work – Gentling Way – Living Ligaments is all about womb thus body and soul alignment.
We are owning the space. As ‘witches’ if that helps you detach. From the ‘allowing’ – a concept that we have tended to buy. Remember the 7 ‘L’s’? (CLICK)

PLEASE – watch and have a think – your work is womb realigning – this is Mercier work – that you had as part of Living Ligaments I

We Gentling Way workers . . do it differently – no straight in – wham, bam, thank you mam . . . forcing – not our way.

How we differ – we set up to winthrough all life stages and phases

What this is and does.  .

She says is the only one – we are not the same – as other – very deep

Training – 20 hour’s training – recertification every 2 years . . .

Talks only of women – primarily fertility and gyne issues,

Or after traumatic birth, C section, rape and preparatory to pregnancy, surgery.

Why others took the training

We could easily do this with some of us. I think that all she has done is brilliant . . .
Here is her movie The Shared Journey

My merciernz site (CLICK). – At the present seems to not be working . . 
My Mayahealing site (CLI CK) At the present seems to not be working . . 

I will get the Maya healing site ready next.
And get filming done as  away it get us flowing  . . as womb warriors.
What we fix?
Everything – as when womb is happy/not in alignment – we are not either.

REPAIR after C section

We do this and so much more . . .

Patient felt tired, sore, ready for bed.
In a GW session – we set up so it is all working – before we go deep.
And assist why it was maybe stuck – the P.V., Accident Recall components and taking out the cold, shock and attending to Stuck Belly Blood and scarring – (if needling) scarring prior to the intensive hands-on. Optimizing pelvic health – feel taller, clearer, lighter, as tight tailbone – as we release it – feel lighter, freer, feel something move. Sliding and gliding . . . soft and supple – organ mobility in both sexes.

Do note 

We have 5 categories of moves (CLICK). Intention is all – and we use all women’s ways we can add in as this is individualized care.
We know the ligaments – we can learn so much more – we live in a body that may also have foibles.
Starting points:

Pelvic anatomy (CLICK)

Fascia (CLICK)


Keloiding (CLICK)

Some beginnings – me with the beginning on Del – Move Your Qi – how we could begin (CLICK)

More following . .