H.B. and A.T.C. -1



I so gratefully experience what you are all doing in these torrid times.
Being true to my mission . .

Why I ventured into Arvigo training (and embraced all as fast as possible)







Here is a heartfelt response.
Takes longer to do it this way – please bear with me – spirit not only words.

30 minutes of me nattering . . so consensus may happen here also

Self soothing – my belly moves integrating all I have done . .
Perineal steaming

Eg – see more here . .

What Dad Can Do
And associated sites –
Heather Says


Opening the baby gate


Solutions (including food)

NZ – I am hiding away in the northern part of the South Island . .

Who is HB?

7 ‘L’s’ . . .

Light, lineage, Liver, lymph, ligaments, . . . .. .

versus lies litigation

Maybe ask – Who is ‘I’?

‘Cultural appropriation?’

Does not help anyone hiding under a bushel.

My intro meditation page

Qi moving . .whose version of? TCM is a case in point . . .

It Depends

Whose version of??

Ted Kaptchuk More here

Biology? Seems under siege

Biology . .Parthenogenesis is a form of reproduction in which an egg can develop into an embryo without being fertilized by a sperm. Parthenogenesis is derived from the Greek words for “virgin birth,” and several insect species including aphids, bees, and ants are known to reproduce by parthenogenesis.
Soul centred . . .

Why are we in this ‘here’ and ‘NOW’?

White people were always oppressed.
All humans are colonised.
Always will be

I really want to help . .
I now live in my ‘home’ land. .

We are all human and all bleed red. 

What next?

Thank you for being