After LL II Dec . . and leading into the Jan one



What happens to my rose petals – drying to steam – and likely potpourri as this is silly – a few from one day.

Monday 7th Dec – we covered:
1 – Life in general – what next? 2021
3 – LL II report – teacher
4 – Students – how it was for them
5 – Categorising moves
(And always recycling them in between fixers).

  • Catch up . .  Belinda first  .- sleep progress and me talking about using progesterone – why?
  • Hormonesdetox
    Liv 52 D.S.   –  more here
  • 2.45 – pop me on Signal . .my phone number +64 27 777 3737
  • We need to be on a different platform and all I have backed up.
  • 4.50 – what we will achieve on this talk
  • 6.00 Julienne’s thoughts
  • 7.00 – why I did this work in retreats (can’t do this at the mo).
  • 8.10Julienne’s thoughts on why it needs to be a retreat as intensive
  • 9.10– Arvigo Self Care teachers – why they need and we need them.
  • 9.20 – Me on the Writer’s challenge – hence I decided to do this tribal work. .
  • 10.30Sita report
  • 12 minutes – watch all we have done this weekend. ME LAST TIME TEACHING IT
  • 13.50 – Selfing – me and sleep project
  • 14.25 Sita’s breakthrough
  • 16 – Ix Chel stages of womanhood – cadueous off head whilst having rabbits in your lap.


  • 16.50 – first and last hours of the day – YOURS
  • 17.20 – CALL TO ARMS – from yesterday
  • Mel came in
  • 18.30 – how is Sita’s physical body? – Very little pain in body. hot feet – mercury release – heat = smelly
  • 20.20 – ionic foot spas – Mel suggests
  • 21Vanessa’s report – it all makes a lot more sense – lots of life learning between the 2 years of doing these
  • 23 – answering the question – can we learn experiential/practical online
  • 24 – Different categories of moves
  • 26.05 Mel
  • 27.05 – Someone holds the gadget – ‘client’ and ‘practitioner’. –






Instead – modern life . . .

Pregnenolone is a steroid hormone that plays a key role in the production of other steroid hormones, including progesterone, DHEA, and estrogen. The substance is found naturally in the body, but some people also take it in supplement form to help keep memory sharp through the years. Of course the medicos do not say what it helps = just what it may negatively cause – if you do not NEED – when you DO NEED It – is magic.

  • 1.09.25 – Julienne’s body absorbing Iodine vast improvement – my version
  • 1.13.20Rosita and wanting to know why herbs stopped hemorrhaging –
  • 1.29.20 – Heart problems and me on A.C.E. inhibitors = 18 years – how to get off? Clear out why the problem
  • 1.30.30 – Need someone to hold the story – and be ‘Heather’
  • 1.32.50 – Holistic multi modality transformative energy body mechanic
  • 1.33.40Julienne’s patient – castor oil packs  get out of the male /scholarly thoughts – what would a woman do? Forget ‘it thins the blood’ – what does that even mean? Clears inflammation and heat – and by now this is DEFICIENCY – needs a rescue. (And the Liver Heat gone).
  • 1.34.00– Vit C and Vit E (and selenium) 2 x 2 – all vascular issues
  • 1.35.00  – Get Drion and use with the elasticised incontinence pads – and the maxi pad is inside that.
  • 1.36.40 – You are there – you should work out what moves to do . .
  • 1.37.35 – How much is this work worth?
  • 1.38.40 – Ann Marie . . best period – maybe a month late – that she can ever remember having (adenomyosis)
  • 1.39.45 Julienne – being overwhelmed – too much information – I will be chunking this up into tiny bits. .
  • 1.41.00 – Heather holding the women’s space – the master teacher’s lament










Challenge – YOU first . .
Do what ideally the intensive patients will be asked to do – for maximum results.
Christmas coming? Bad time?
When IS a good time?
Now is all we have.


Self Soothing – Belly Calming self checklist Sheet-1

Self Soothing – Belly Calming self checklist Sheet2


Categorising the LL moves

1 – Checkers

See what is happening first – this may include points to poke – see how we are going.

2 – Soothers

What will allow the body/mind to go deeper – and possibly under the Reichian bands – leading to real healing

3 – Clearers

The debris released – not only lymph but usually that at least
Also – deep cleansing breath to be encouraged/often waited for.

4 – Fixers

Actually sorting out the problem – after setting them up sufficiently to win

5 – Settlers


What comes up – all levels – needs maybe more than soothing – which is one along with the clearers all the time. .

(As I can’t share on FB)

Appropriation or Appropriate Use?