Making Better Babies when the body is saying NO

Stating the obvious – Sex is for reproduction


Normal . . .


Peacefully and calmly bringing forth new life

We should be awash with bubs at every turn – as we all knew happened when a short few generations ago – ANY sex made babies.

When the recreational and not procreational is all that is happening – need to know why. Primal. Mammalian.
Bottom circle stuff.


WHAT is happening?
Usually a couple if not ONLY the male factor that needs attention.
By the time you see the COUPLE so much has not been addressed.
Just start back at the beginning.

Here is a standard case.

In blue is what I wrote to a woman who is 3 years married and 2 very early miscarriages after she has had IUI many times sperm as below. Right side – tube out as when exploratory surgery – found adhesions and totally blocked – from a ruptured appendix as a teenager.

It is all about getting rid of why you have all of this.
(Strengthening you, so sex makes BETTER babies – and you a strong reproductive unit.
To have spider veins, your connective tissue is not happy.
Increasing nutritional load is always the key – as is Vit C frequency.
Intention of YOUR herbs
1 – Clear gall stones and sludge – will get the initial dose and maybe you both do the do GB flush.(Attached eBook). Multiple reasons . . . undo what is being stored and is in the way.
Reset the metabolism – thyroid function by assist the physical liver.
I would suggest not getting pregnant for at least 6 months.
After all that has been done to you and for you – not still pregnant needs fixing as you want the best .
Talk with your sister as she had had ?? 5 miscarriages before the babies started coming and a lot of work went into this – at home – and with all I sent home for them to take – plus they were both seeing me for sessions. (She was 21 – her husband at 16 1/2 had given her all those mishaps – he had less than 1% looking normal sperm. Both had significant Jing/Kidney Qi issues as both were made not well). Him – his genitals were wrong and all the moxa sacral fan, prostatic drainage, general sacral and lower belly home work PLUS the Chinese herbs and sessions with me – remade them – YES that is right – we RESTORED normal – he did not follow up with the work after baby 1 and baby 2 has his dad’s and uncles wrong equipment – first son – testicles and penis look normal).
IVF would not have worked. (more miscarriages – we need to understand why they were happening  and her health was due for an overhaul – exhaustion for all of you as the body is being vastly over used). As as well as her being your sister – his sperm was terrible.
Herbal intentions
To add into what else is happening – that would be the sessions you are not getting.
1 – After GB flush
2 – Clear out uterus – including adhesions – this will tackle the Stuck Blood – spider veins . . .
3 – Build up Spleen Qi and general robustness – rebuilding you
4 – Ensure gut is friendly – no helicobacter especially (morning sickness/hyperemesis)
5 – Blood energy stronger? (Better endometrial lining – and thus egg quality).
6 – All the while supporting building better eggs – EVO  caps
7 – If not then pregnant – we think about what specifically for you – but unlikely – IF the sperm is decent.
PLUS – we would have made your body baby ready – so you miss all the terrible things that your sisters call normal – esp the veins.
1 – Clear out liver/gall bladder – hormones and general life may then work better
2 – Clear out the sperm ducts and all tubes and general incidents/accidents/adhesions ‘down there’
3 – Enhance gut/metabolism – to make better ‘left overs’ – sperm
4 – Specifically work on sperm after the Kidney energy – as seen in general energy and demeanour – is excellent.
Ongoing till you are at least 4 months pregnant – then that should be him fixed. For good.
You will be best with ongoing care – and herbs all through the pregnancy ideally – as the best time to heal is in pregnancy . . body is regrowing itself.
On the page I sent you the wrong link happened – was the right link was in the draft and shifted itself.
er are all the charts in case you did not get
Look at the hyperemesis and do all I say in there – prevention is the key – no one should have it – that s why we need to sort out all that has happened to you.
Accident recall – here is the page as that was not on there either  . .
FIRST – those accidents you have had. . .PV (very simple) x 2 daily would make a difference.
There is plenty of work to do to bring forth BETTER babies from an easy pregnancy where all that is a warning – all those veins and every other health issue that you have been blessed with – are all bod indications of ill health/imbalance – we are restoring this so the extra load of pregnancy is not obvious – no one should even fell pregnant – that is health.

This is what she has sent me
“When I was visiting New Zealand over a year ago you were doing some treatment at Gloriavale and my husband and I got a treatment done as we were and still are trying to conceive. So since then I have had one tube removed and had 4 natural IUI’s. Long story short I am still not pregnant. We have been trying for a total of nearly three years now.

I have recently started the moxa. I’m not sure how often to be doing it and at the moment am only doing the sacral fan not sure if I should be doing anything else. And also if there are points I can do on my husband as well.
I have been working on our diet also and taking extra vitamins, timing intercourse, ( I am using ovulation tests and taking temperature), doing castor oil packs, abdominal massage and doing pretty much everything else i can think of and know. I am just at a loss of what else I can do.
The plan was to give this month a rest and next month we were going to go for a medicated cycle of iui. What are your thoughts of things we can do to prepare for this.
Also one other thing is that I mainly ovulate from my right ovary, but my tube is on the left. Is there anything I can do to promote ovulation from the left side or not”.

I said.

Sperm test? I am sure the majority of the problem is, as with all, sperm quality.
All you are doing is helping but  What About Him? Warm testicles? (should be 29 C)
Anal temp first thing in morning as soon as awaken? (Should be 36.7/8 C)
Ovulation happens for most women at other times also. Were he fertile and you had sex every 2nd day. You would be pregnant.
Any miscarriages with IUI?   My first son was a day 25 conception. After usual ovulation at usual time – and whilst I was pre menstrual – we conceived him on a rigid 28 day cycle. I was thinking we were ‘safe’ as we were trying to never be parents.

Steaming nightly

What about your VAGINAL BBT as that is the key.
Not chasing ovulation.
Ensuring wellness.
Bodies are wise

Sperm test is getting better than what it was. (H note – I have popped in ideal in red)
Motility 50% (was 15%) -Active 40% sluggish 10% (SHOULD BE 100% – what is their job?)
Non motile 50%( was 60%) (Note from H – likely dead)
Morphology only 3% should at least be 4%( I think this is the problem) haven’t retested for 4 mths as have to go to other hospital for this (SHOULD BE MORE THAN $4 looking normal – this is hopeless – no farmer would be that silly). (NONE)
Sperm count /ml 55million (was 4 million) (SHOULD BE 350 million/ml)
Amount normally 2-3ml
I am doing all I know for him but thought I need more help on that side. Testicles a bit cooler that originally, as using cotton boxers. Would moxa help or worsen this?
I temp vaginally every morning. 
I think I had one miscarriage with my third IUI as had implantation spotting from 9dpo to 12 dpo and then very faint positive urine pregnancy test at 15dpo but then next day test was lighter and started bleeding 2 days later. That time I ovulated from my left side that has the tube. I was on oral progesterone and don’t know if this caused the spotting (I never spot between periods, only the day I start my period). I presumed it was an early miscarriage.
My cycle is not always consistent in length, varies from 32 to 37 days.But luteal length always 15 days
I also check cervix position and cervical mucus with ovulation tests and temping to detect ovulation.
The earliest I ovulate is Cycle day 15 and the latest is Cycle day 22. But most commonly 17.
I steam about 3 times a week before ovulation.
Vaginal BBT sits between 36.4 Celsius (at the lowest) and 36.7 in follicular phase
Then bounces to between 36.8 and 37.2 in luteal phase.
Are you recommending husband takes temperature as well?

You can see why I am frustrated.
Normal medical and even natural practitioners seem to see the bits = not the whole.
They are treating the bit – not asking – ‘WHY NOT sex to baby?’

Tracey has a couple who want more than medicine offers.
She is mid 20’s, has had recent (2 months ago) endo surgery and apparently is so afflicted that she ‘needs’ IVF.
No sperm test – but all problems are apparently her.
His testicles are 35/36 and his rectal BBT is 35.4C
Not a good start – plus he starts the day at 4am and has hay fever – (tubes in face unhappy – so will be the downstairs ones).