GW site contents

Gentling Way allows the release of whatever is blocking life forceĀ  – subtle, profound shifts likely when let go what we have become stuck in
Pelvic Opening – getting the Dai Mai clear
Foundational Moves – undo the clutter
Gentling Trauma Relief – recalibrate your purpose – undo your life residue – your own Life Library.
Reconnecting – get ‘slide and glide’ happening internally, and have Dai Mai reconnected with the Bao Mai – wombspace to heart.
Living Ligaments I – realign the structure via womb positioning
Living Ligaments II – forwards into the complications that being mal aligned has created – especially with the attempts to override and free change (medical interventions) and life catastrophes – plus a look into all matters male.
Healing the Wounded Healer turns attention to why and what – for you.
Teacher’s Training = after HWH . .as we need to be clearer – ever less conditional and more open to midwive others