Working on a back – LL I


Revision – LLI

This is  an amalgam of the Moving Blockages work I have been formulating over decades plus some of the Mercier moves.

Ivana is an advanced Kahuna practitoner – a joy to work on.

Four elective C sections. (at that time – children 6-15 years old).

Get the person to do their own self evaluation (even with men and perineal uplifts) is that they can tell you what is happening – and as well as looking at tongues and poking points – it is a great validation for everyone that this work is transformative!

(Done sensitively and slowly – gradually working into areas of tangle).

Here we are merging ways to set a body up to win.

  • Pullups and tailbone poking
  • Findings and corrections . .
  • Stuck Liver Qi Release . .
  • Sacral wakeups
  • Sacral adhesion breaking
  • Sacral yanks
  • Wobble wobble
  • Reiki?
  • Stretches
  • Including how to use your own body as YOU are the most important person in the room.
  • Sacral stretches
  • Wobbles
  • Grandma’s comfort

Setting up to win ..

Sacral Veehow to – will end up with a red V shape – only about an inch of movement  slide OFF the bone and dig in as a scoop. Very slowly

Glut Slide – GB 30 area –  all that held in upset.


As yet we have NOT done any forcing work . .

Sacral smash is so much easier ON THE TABLE with them.
You have to be steady and stay there get your own body totally comfortable

This is a profound move. Must get your hand is a position that YOU are comfy.
Hold for 3 minutes – about 1 minute in – I ask how the mid back is – usually vastly looser and maybe may even crack

Under bum release – usually I have both hands in ‘attack’ mode. (not one hand on the sacrum – felt to do it this way

Always intersperse with wobbles.  .
Not fast . .

Hippy shake

Other side – hippy shake

Hippy Shake (other side)
Single Leg Stretch
(D.E. Move is so much easier on you . . different stretch – but YOUR body is most important

Wobble wobble

Clinic roses by Heather 2019