Holding a New Life Within

In this series the focus in the new life . .



The foundations/architecture.

Of mum  as she can remake herself in this time.

Pregnancy – infers it is the process – of being pregnant.



Maturing new life


We are taking the baby’s advocate role

Always, Always, Always Follow Nature

At any stage of the growth line of a new being – the template to follow.

The closer to the beginning – the more vulnerable.

Being unaware of pregnancy – we can completely miss the most crucial time.
In a pristine state – this would be ideal – bub mysteriously literally taking shape.

How well the incubation happens dictates the very existence and the quality of the life of both thereafter

Do Nothing To Harm The Children – they are our future

Medicine no longer pledges to Do No Harm

Mum for the first 2/3 of our life is our most important contributor. She is our bridge out into the world. She births being.

Once born, she still shapes our responses to the outside world. Totally dependence upon being cared for and tended, biology ensures her and our imprinted behaviour grants the fierce mammalian protection needed for sustaining our life IF it all wet as planned. IF she is intact in herself and in her maternity. If we as the new life can assert what was programmed into offspring – finely honed to be alert after birth to thus know mum and have her as our protector. All babies follow the cues of the one they experience first – imprinting in birds and in animals is well known. Bonding of the new life to what is supposed to be the one to educate into being. .

So too in humans.

We have been awash in HER responses to the world. Shaped in her ocean of feelings they are also ours.

What c/should be happening?
And bring her body back to where it CAN assert the blueprint.

Jing and Blood – need these to be abundant (see Nourishing New Life next).

Mum’s life can be enhanced, or wrecked at this time.
The Jing shifts in these phases also dictate her continuation of being

1 – Puberty

2 – Marriage/sexual expression

In times past the removal to another tribe and the adulthood being hierarchical with her holding bottom position, We can see this as sexual initiation – which for some is regretably well before mammalian maturation/menarche. This leaves the being bereft of the possibility of normal unfolding of Jing. Not only physical wounds that may be irretrievable, as the Qi and Blood are nowhere able to support structural

3 – Pregnancy

4 – Menopause

Ingredients and circulation are the key.

Normalise these and her strength of character and constitution – if she is supported by the tribe – to ensure easy happens.

Please watch. The essence of a well pregnancy. Can the blueprint unfold?


Here is the beginning of the Natural Pregnancy Guide.


For patients there is more here


Also . .




Cupping in pregnancy?





Hopefully sit on hands – or get normal back on track?


I choose life

I remind you – the ‘7 ‘L’s’

Light – we are all of – and maybe have forgotten.

Lineage – all oral traditions were from the survivors . .

Liver – all that is the energy model my foundations were in – acupuncture and its systems approach.

Lymph/ligaments – the structure is held together through the ingredients being in the right place and abundant with the wastes being channeled away – the lymphatic system.


(Bodies can’t heal themselves/Mother Nature is a bitch – etc . .


(Some are more equal than others/only those in a guild/gang are allowed to. . .
And externalisation – state knows best.  The way towards loss of /lack of sovereignty. ‘The Common “good’ is served..

(Whose version of we are seeing in the ‘Covid’ scares ..

Getting on with it . . . this was home help . .


(Part 1 of the New life series)

Holding new life

Next up
Nurturing New Life