Pelvic Opening and Easy Birth & Beyond

What we cover sequentially :
Pelvic Opening Part I: What comes naturally: babies when they are ripe Help yourself and others to be set up to win.Open that pelvis to life flows!!!
1 – Opening Pelvic flows:
- Painless hassle free periods . . .
- No pelvic pain – or at least undoing why it is there (uterine misalignment is usually at the core)
- Sexuality enhanced
- Conception after easy periods/male fertility as all is in alignment
2 – Simple and painless pregnancies
- Having all nutrients biologically available and the structure aligned and the circulation of nutrients thus intact and perfect.
- This information is an amalgamation of all I have researched and developed and taught over the past 4 decades of mainly maternally inclined clinical practice.
3 – Easy Birth and Beyond (easy mothering)
Take this as what nature intended – we would not be here if birth was dangerous.
It can be – when all is not supported as Nature intended it to be. Healthy parents-to-be making healthy offspring and the natural things followed – eat when hungry, sleep when tired – and life unfolds – much like a flower.
What is different about this?
As a 3 part training – you get instant access to content.
We refine in the experiential workshop – working in each other
We follow up with online support/mentoring for Q and A.
Part I Online Training
The instantly downloadable Self Care course has three components:
Please click to learn more. Must be taken prior to the workshop.
Have you had questions such as:
How come what I eat/doing is not working?
I follow all instructions and I am still sick/tired/in pain?
Learn why you do all you can find to ‘fix yourself – and it does not work . .
Modern life has forgot a few basics.
Here they are:
3 part online course:
Part 2 Hands on Course
It works – every time. .. touch therapy that anyone can us on anyone
Heather has been researching and trialing this work for the past 40 years personally and now adds in the Arvigo/Maya/Mercier and many otherwise womanly ways – in addition to all she has been teaching in her own practice and in designing acupuncture courses of the past 37 years .
Discover the easy ways to undo the pelvis and the heart blockages to easy life flow – for easy periods, easy sexuality, easy fertility, easy birthing and living an easy life as a woman. A unique blend of modalities that anyone can pick up.
Part 3 Online Mentoring Group
Post workshop you will receive 4 weeks of online mentoring where you can get your questions answered. (Closed FB group) to answer all queries, ‘stuff’ that may arise. Many helpful resources/articles/eBooks written by Heather over the decades to fill in any gaps.
A childbirth education kit!
Comes with 2 how-to-massage videos