Why and how to gentle – incorporating Heather’s Moving Blockages pricklies, post Arvigo and Mercier within the context of
It Depends
Trish’s notes
Discussion forgiveness
Cards – not making a decision (Lisa)
What I avoid grows (Trish)
I suspend judgement of myself (Thea)
We are all in the Light and may have forgotten (H)
Swedish programme
Human Matrix
Dinah’s baby
Amy’s prolapse
1986 notes
heatehr’s heart
What makes hormones
Chest Gua Sha
False heat
Mirror X
SLQR – mag
3 conditions of autism
Goolum/Smeegal Lord of the Rings
Bleeding Ting points
What I wrote to do
Housekeeping (expectations)
Inner weatehr
No break through withoutehdown
Reconnecting completion
All belly/SLQR/Stuff arising
Maternal pricklies

What is making our Jing and Blood?

RECONNECTING – your own Bao and Dai Mai FIRST
Our first recipient of care is ALWAYS ourselves.
What comes up will then give an appreciation for the speed and gravity of the work.
Body Remembers Everything That Has Ever Happened To It
Pre requisites Completed the Selfing/Challenge Entire gut /life package from the energy model:
Cold, Life Support etc), plus Living As Energy, Living In It (3 Honourings), posters, meditation audios
Gentle Self Discovery – workshop and support package – Life Rescue, Getting Out of Own Way.
Being Woman (small)
Unlocking Your Scars (all self practical)
Reset Your Metabolism – Iodine, moxa usage, Peristeaming, Cold Damages Your Health
Men’s Healing – Practical – Men’s Wake Up Your Legs, Moving through eBookFoundational Moves (all practical)
In the Reconnecting workshop we cover:
- P.V. (see the P.A.C.E. page)
- P.A.C.E
- Accident Recall
Belly: extras
- Diastasis
- Cement Post (See below)
- Adhesion Breaking
- Hiatal Hernial Corrections
- Ileo Cecal valve corrections
- Hiatal hernia correction
- Peritoneal untangler
- Lymphatic drainage
- Prostate drainage
- Grandma cuddles
Back: extras
- Sacral work
(Plus more of the Foundational Moves to loosen off what is left). - Settling down/ grounding to leave (below)
Settling: extras
- Anxiety Thread Moxa
- Brazilian toe technique (rebalancing).
- Calming techniques – especially when in doubt – lightly jiggle
We watch and where necessary – take a deep breath for the person we are working on.
As they need to let all that I arising – go.
CLARITY is paramount.
Reconnecting moves