2023 USA Intensive Immersion Day 5


Said I would do . .
Weather/what next
Recap = and do on each other
Complete run – O.S.L. at the end
Q and A
Chinese numerology
High risk – what I say is this. .

Reason not to do sometujng
forbidden points –
Breech change why
Case histories
Heather’s pregnancy protocol
Transformative healing – eBook etc
Needling acup poijnts
Recordings and handouts coming . .
Dr Shen’s book
Testing testing . .

Making better babies naturally . . . and the role of nutrients /nausea and vomiting – G.V. women

What is needed for an easy pregnancy – nutrients and circulation (moxa and massage)
Plus the story of Peace’s first 10 kis (she has had another one – and is full of cancer (SO MUCH EXTRAS STRESS

Foundational Moves/ Free Your Qi

Make your own work book/ pictures of moves
Triage – Calm the Shen –
Pull out the cold/moxa – Sacral wakeups.
Chest opening, Heart opening front / back,
Round and round,
Lymph drainage,
Bash bash down side of body / bum
Feel for breaks in sacrum (Puffy in women – heart. Puffy pubic bone men – heart – Dr van Buren)
PV, ACC Recall,
Thread moxa,
Peritoneal Untangler, Jelly Belly,
Diastasis – J move, cement post,
Hiatal hernia Ileo-Cecal valve
Prostate drainage
Grandma cuddle
Scoopy scoopy
Digging for potatoes + smaller ones around navel
Adhesion breaking

) – and jabbed. . .