Soulfully aligning Qi, soul and structure

Structure determines function
Past the accidents, incidents, life experiences
Flow – especially QI, also lymph and blood – have to flow
Holding in place =Spleen Qi does so much more than support life (gut function in this)
Also the lymph, thus fluid and waste disposal.
Diastasis and connective tissue woes
Blood in vessels – not gushing wildly.
Organs/viscera were they are designed to be
Competent cervix – holding fetuses and babies in to term
Sacral and tailbone (coccyx) corrections can
fibroid filled, adenomyosis and potential and bladder/bowel hinged appropriately

Womb in position – NOT wandering – onto retroverted, retroflexed, prolapsed positins
Dragging all other ligament attachments into complex body distress.
We move with the times and to undo why she could not reposition herself.
STUCK – trauma – all levels needs shifting at the recipient of our care’s own pace
FIRST – we travel the journey. Go through our own process. . .
Classes are always run as online demos, online manuals, resources: eBooks, videos, demo pages, with interactive online Q and A, pages of specific conditions after the 3 part trainings – A – online – B – with teacher/experiential and C – support /mentoring after (tutorials)
1 – SELFING – Starter Pack and Intensive (self FIRST) (woman’s ways of knowing – deep personal investigations)
Pre requisites – Online: Starter pack, Selfing Experiential:
2 – THREE HEATER REALIGNMENT – Emotional and gut repair
Sacral/coccygeal aligning to connective tissue resolutions adhesions, scarring, diastasis, visceral aligning.

P.A.C.E. and Poly vagal,
Accident Recall,
Emotional clearing techniques
Diastasis – what it is and how to fix,
‘M’ move/cement post
Aorta calming
Peritoneal untangling
Jelly belly
Hiatal hernia correction
Ileo cecal correction
Prostate clearance
Adhesion breaking
Continuation of sacral wakeups/moves
Beginning of coccygeal moves
Anxiety thread moxa
Brazilian toe touching
Effective Healing After C Sections – Practically bridges the gap between Reconnecting and Womb ALIGN
4 – Womb ALIGN – Womb Woes to Womb Wonders – I. (PART II is L.L. Advanced – Prostates to Prolapses)

Selfing – Challenge Tutorials can be flexible – up to the class and teacher.
2023 teaching schedule – USA /AUSTRALIA – INTENSIVE IMMERSION
Online and experiential face to face (non-jabbed – safe for teacher) or all online (PLUS SELFING – ALWAYS SELF FIRST)
Follow -on mentoring can lead to further – this is the basic gyno- visceral corrections – Heather’s Gentling Ways
All classes initially self paced, before online Tutorials/demos. If attending in-person – all pre requisites must be met
Selfing through to Womb ALlGN RETREAT
You may wonder :
Where did this originate?
Heather’s unending asking unusual questions in her quest for excellence in everything. PLUS
Intense body work interests (Structure Determines Function – initial acupuncture teacher was an inquisitive chiropractor).
Developed from Heather’s maternal, and professional and teaching/mentoring lifetime fusing many modalities and lineages/dimensions.

Arvigo Lineage – Jennifer O’Hagan PCT, Spiritual Healing July 2014, Rosita Certification & Pregnancy, Oct 2014,
Xi Chel and Self Care teaching Rosita and others – Oct 2015
Feb 2016 – Belize – Advanced Spiritual Healing Rosita
Mercier – Basic 3 days training St Charles,
Oct 2016
Can I take these classes elsewhere?
Heather’s Gentling Ways are unique.
Not forcing – but gentling ourselves and others better.
The Qi instructions we all are wired with is intertwined with the BODY mechanics.
No – this is my personal fusion – being heart, body and soul based- whilst teaching from the beginning of my acupuncture career.
Itself kicked into being – my maternity demanded better than what was on offer for myself and my new family.
Can I start using the content and moves immediately?

Yes. On yourself is Free Your Own Qi,
Selfing – your belly, your body, your life – shall we undo past STUCK?
On others – Foundational Moves is incorporating my signature ways (as in Reset Your Metabolism – navel cupping, interesting moxa uses and applying topical iodine to boost the Qi).
These combined with the acupuncture knowledge that transformed my patients’ and students’ lives.
We go back to basics FIRST
Is this dependent upon any prior knowledge?
No – Anyone can. You only need a burning desire for change. To rekindle clinical passion. To be ready to commit to assisting yourself and those around you .You may have trained and possibly worked as a midwife, a massage/body worker, a Mercier or Arvigo specialist, or an acupuncturist. Or you are someone who knows life has turned on its head – and YOU feel urged to learn (as I did 47 years ago) what to do to help yourself and your family. You want to experience improvement, and are open and wiling to be commit to the adventure.

We cover all stages of life
And of nurturing and giving life.
The content and pace of