
If you are wondering:
How to go forwards?
I was too . . initially as a young mum, only woman in the city and – what I was taught was missing the mark it seemed to me – where was the heart? Seeing mostly women – though the men’s ways. . Did not work – so I made it up as I went along.
This work came out of my life. January 17th, 1984
Shame I had to LIVE this to be able to ripple it out to all others.
Decade of 1980-early 90’s I was doula before they were ‘a thing’ as my patients and friends needed way more than was out here.
NO IVF when I starter d in clinic – so I made tHAT up as I went along also – especially with the men.
2005 I put all I had lived in the WDCD work – and now we have SO MUCH more.
For all ages, stages of life – whatever is the issue – we need to get the Qi to move AND structure determines function.. .

I kept looking
Initially as to why having babies HURT
As I was having them .
FOUR in all.
I needed to work out those table legs . .
Here is were we get to apply hem as I lived this.
How to make baby making fun again?
We all need a patch of this (two women after a weekend workshop)
If you can make it to these intensives
We ALL will change

In these changing times
At least for ourselves
What you are possibly signing up for
As I am in USA, in the middle of nowhere, (same when I get back home in AU) and as I am not offering points, and as I am not able to touch the ones who have become jabbed – it may sound convoluted. . .
We can still hold classes.
ONLINE – and if you can make it – to southern Iowa. 17-24th Sept for the entire showing – deep personal growing – see more here
Or at this late stage – grab me for where you are – we may be in NY state and NJ and Virginia area in early September
OR when I get back to Australia – FNQ
What to do to enhance what you do .
Gyno visceral alignment
Who does it so it stays PUT?
That was my question. As women were in and out of structural people’s rooms – for decades. (That S-I joint)
So we have my answer to all who I have worked with
Short cuts – we are holistic and aim to stand on ALL land mines that hold us back.
What awaits us – our own ‘stuff’ – so we get to work on US first . .
As we also have wombs, have had periods, lives and possibly babies . . . .
We may want
More tools
I offer a passion filled way to enhance what you already do/now