Here we set the scene for the process of easy babies – we need to be the easy mother FIRST . .
and have had the easy mother as a baby ourselves

Free Your Qi . . .
We start with the physical body we live in and with breath
We can feel instant shifts – if we check in with ourselves and teach others to also.
TRIAGE – that is well before any attempt at the mental process condone all through men’s ways of knowing – we FEEL
And we can feel what is coming in with the person – and how we would FEEL weer we them with their story – thus – we Calm the Shen, Undo the Cold/ Restore the Yang Qi and clear all trauma/Stuck – esp tied into scars. NOT only needling on the surface – whatever happened was phenomenal often – and many incidents/life changes do not leave skin tears to be undone.
Thus we begin .. . Free Your Qi . . . a package is within this major release of my work
We are beginning ‘Being Woman’ and move onto Mammalian Maternity .
You have various videos of me teaching
There is from my 2007 DVD set:
The Role of Eight Extras in Women’ s Lives and Maternity – Women’s Lives in context
I am leaving this up for you to see if we jell together . .can you accept the difference in delivery? It is based on LIFE. Not books.
I will call for those who wish to be taken through the class – as the Mammalian Maternity package is usually what is needed.
BUT we were all made – and we are all not only born of woman – but are indelibly shaped by the passage through out into the world

Structure Determines Function – we need to release the womb and her chains.
The past – all that holds us in a cage of beliefs.
The input – not only food
The ability to function – what happens when . . we eat – we hear. . .we receive info and . anything really – there is social constructs if nothing else
Tutorial is on Tuesday USA 7-9pm CDT.
Wednesday 10 am – 1 noon Australia. .
Join in as we begin (Free first one) – watching me above is the start to unlocking the fascia ans adhesions and scars so Flows Can Flow again Thus allowing the Three Heater to work – as visceral realigning happens so we can make the Blood to irrigate the ligaments so womb aligning can be achieved – and of course – release all that s holding her hostage as we start with OURSELVES to clear away what has been stuck in us also . . That beginning is with Lisa online – STAGE ONE
Or me in southern Iowa – two dates. IN PERSON – if only coming to this – it has a vast array of eBooks and courses that get you started. .
ENTIRE PACKAGE PRE PAID gifts you the Mammalian Maternity online and the Transformative Healing package –
If paying monthly – or as you go, you miss these bonuses. BUT will be rapt in the instant changes you feel and see in yourself and others applying my short cuts to healing – multi modality
All receive the intensive immersion product WOMB ReALIGNING