
Simplifying in an age of complexity.
My decades of designing alternate courses/content and teaching all levels of acupuncturists now comes to fruition.
More than needles and theory – here you have is what a senior problem solving innovative thinker worked out as shortcuts to healing. Hands-on and easy instant results. . . What is easiest is to meet the person where they are – when we ourselves are clear. Bring them back (out of shock), get them present – undo why their body is not healing and maybe then – ‘diagnosing’ first – we triage.
We clear out why the body is not helping itself – what is blocking healing?
How to? Here are the gems
Touch therapy – we are all primates and need touch. Soothing, tending – in addition to our clever skill set. We go back to being humans. Relating. By not referring the recipient of your care out – instead you showing them how to alter their body. Ideally you have had the experience of this work on you. Embodying its simplicity

Process – SELFING
SPECIAL BUNDLE – to get so much of the signature system moves and theory to start IMMEDIATELY in the intensive 2023 USA journey I am offering. If you only want the online content – grab it here.
The content can be taken in all online – it gives you my process as I explain to patents/recipients of care – how to live better in a body – when we realise that we are a soul having a human experience on a mammalian wrapper – and as a body of Light and energy grids, there is more – and how to weave this into helping ourselves – and others – how to be LISA is your teacher, Jasmine as her assistant (Japan)
Foundational Moves/Pelvic Opening
RECONNECTING (Three Heater needs to support life) – Heart and Wombspace
This is where I often start acupuncturists who wish to start the process of undoing what lies beneath,
Mammalian maternity for acupuncturists – including undoing what happened with modern maternity glitches
Havng experienced a necessary (as oppose dto an orchestrated one) C section in 1994, I haev an intimat e acquaintance with what some of us know=ew was needed/life svaing – and we hev no emotional traua arond that aspect – but eh body – e=what de sthat do with such a disc=location? can wehelp?
Sur ecan . . The undoing your scars workshopis avaulable to yu as part fo teh Selfimhg packag e- an dpelas espread it far an dwide. I haev yet to do a speicific C section modue – but this sagreat starte . .get that Qi flwingthrough..Undo the fascia witeh eth Reconnecting package . .
Maybe go for broke and after the Effective Healing After C Sections/Surgical Incursions – come again for the Womb Woes to Womb Wonders (Liing Ligamenst.
Elephant in the room

Have you been jabbed?
We need to talk about this. .
2019 – I was aware that were ANY injectable would likely knock me out. All had in the past – and that was the ‘real’ ones. . .and supposedly ‘safe’ (not for my family line).
I had already had the original Wuhan whatever in October 2019.
Walked into my clinic from the source . .
2020 – All to ‘shelter in place’ – not enhance health.
I railed against this. How is it possible to undo the viral need to survive – it mutates. . .
2021 – I pretended I would be fine. That did not work – I sero-converted . .and started the new programme of constant getting sick/somewhat better – get sick all over again . . started with loss of all energy – and herpes outbreaks . . complete loss of balance . . . again and again . .
Eventually I saw the connection – took ages as I did not want to know. . .
2022 – Horrors happened . . . treating a person who was also having a SHINGLES jab reaction . . I ‘fell’ out of my self and as I still carry those scars – literal and TBI, concussion, and awareness of how precious life is. Ongoing shingles – for me – in my EYE! Plus the 2021 problems.
2023 – still attempting to take ‘antidotes’ so I can keep working.
IF you have been jabbed – you can be in this work – online only – though some of my grads may be fine with touching . . .
We are likely called to be of service . . NOW WHAT?
I offer you online – the decades of my teachings and demos with tutorials as we go through the Gentling Way – together if you can be where I am – or my USA grads and those overseas can do their version of – as we all needt o move lymph. DAMP – that ‘hard case’ option.
Having recovered – and rescued the patient, and my sick with it husband, I had an awareness of my need to stay safe.
The original SARS and all the following ‘flu;s that came into clinic
Transformative Healing – you are here. Onto Womb Woes to Womb Wonders. (Living Ligaments) (Advanced – see Iowa programme)
CAN’T – even when sitting in a group with the jabbed – the same process . . And what have I tried – all and everything coming my way. Most help I have discovered has been using bio resonance – but – it is temporary a whatever is being ‘dropped’ from others is ongoing.I am best hiding out in the natural environment . .
To achieve this – we work on ourselves first – hence Selfing and then onto undoing the STUCK in the body – (Foundational Moves/ Pelvic Opening and on into Reconnecting – the Three Heater and Spleen Qi manifestations – especially connective tissue and its upsets.
The process can be achieved online as over the locked down years we all got conversant with learning on a screen. These classes have demos of all the moves and what you do to help yourself achieve what is expected.