2023 -Towards L.L.I. Accelerator – #3 Mercier inspired moves


NOTE – a 2 D picture is a representation – we are in a 3 D body. Tucked in behind are the women’s bits. .

Here is where your blank book becomes invaluable as a record of your practical learning and also to hone in YOUR way of these moves.

Free Your Qi

Pelvic opening

Another version – sorry the white board is not always the best medium . .


It is easier to use squiggles

Do make these your own – or some way that means what it needs to to you

in a hurry – as words will not convey in the time needed when you are working with a lot of people.

Original checkers

Belly moves

Advanced Belly Moves

Here we are onto the meat of this work – moving what is blocking flows
Structure Determines Function
Shall we move it all about?

Please watch in conjunction with all that was emailed you this morning . .

About to be launched into moving wombs- YOU are in charge of the self paced learning . .
PAGE OF LIGAMENTSpelvic anatomy . . COCCYX MOVES this is an explanatory Mt Barker page – they had all done it online – and here is first hands on with me .. bits of moves in action to watch SACRAL MOVESplease also watch – these links are all different and me teaching it and different questions from other students will assist you.
2.40 – Is NOT about the moves – but here it is . . and master these first . .
3.40 – We are using Jennifer Mercier moves – Moving Blockages way – via the Arvigo eyes (HB’s version).
MUST clear yourself and the space, they have to be qualified – R.I.C.E.
6.00 – Georgie and friend in labour /birth – being who she is always . .(‘as a woman ,lives, so shall she birth’ – Gaye Peterson from Birthing Normally – in the 1980’s . . . me (why we have the 3 circles model . .) NEED PRICKLIES is too easy . .
9.00 – You will be my hands. . .they can come up here to do the advanced . . best students – do what are told to . .
YOU HAVE TO BECOME THE MOVES – follow the process. . . breathe, water, safety . .
12.00 – MUST support nutrients . . . and they HAVE to do what you need them to – eg BBT
14.00 – Women’s healing massage and Del – and the reconnecting/pricklies prior to hip op .
16.00 – Acc recall – assume pelvic incursions so do that as well as the first 3 to do and the emotionals. .then 4 Gates.

17.30 CHECKERS – add in more – ovarian and uterine – gently to see what they can cope with. Also the coccyx.
18.30 – Start where they are . .
19.30 – Anxiety is buried rage . . .depression – STUCK and helpless/hopeless . . . sexual fright . .
TRIAGE . . . also you can do what you would have like to do. .
22.00 – It Depends – the ability to move the fascia on back./sacrum. . .
23.00 – I got out of the Mercier training what possibly no one else ever has – I moved it on to ALL structural a ALL problems anyone has – not only women not getting pregnant – or recovering from C sections . .
25.00 – Must not work on the ‘upset’ bit – as with Wendy’s shoulder – we get to it eventually.
Castor oil packs needed when doing this is work . Also – maybe a heated couch ?

What is intention – gentle the (trauma) STUCK out

Body/womb is held hostage – we will not force . . often look messy . .

Ovarian, Uterine and coccyx and O.S.L. (iliac spinal spines)
See the Mt Barker footage . .
28.30 – Mercier protocol – need to get the fascia and the adhesions and the scars let go FIRST . . .must do the back to help the front . .
Bonny’s baby – please stop and listen. Precious princess mum is NOT initiated into being a mum . . .
STILL FACE EXPERIMENT – is not available any longer – I am grateful . . .and also MAD MAMAS . .
Mammalian maternity is SAFE for baby – and mum.
33.00 – Easier to use the pricklies to loosen all up – GB 30 x 5 3 inch needles – and GB 29 , GB 34 – maybe also start with GB 41?
– must also use GB 31, and a Sp point – usually Sp 9 – you will see me doing this on many, likely .. .
33.30 – Need to undo all that is stuck in the pelvis – as when it is STUCK it is holding ‘stuff’ . .
34.30 – Tail bone – is the key . need to do same moves on the sacrum on the coccyx. I will send you the pages of the Mecier protocol and my thoughts are written in red. SACRAL SMASH . . so important – count off the seconds as they feel what you are doing . .. Must be one of the last things that you are doing . ..and check the O.S.L. to see what this does and recheck the coccyx.
36.30 – Mercier back moves.. . SACRAL SMASH – stop and watch this please
39.30 – what people feel .. . Older woman accident – shoulder blade and sacral bones sticking up
41.30 – Jiggle jiggle is on the front, wobble wobble is next graduation up – then shakey shakey
43.30 – Do watch the demo pages I have sent you in the email.
45.30 – Sometimes the pullup is weakened – and is expected – adhesions broken. Then do 2nd uterine rake after taking leg for a walk.
47.30Lenley about to collate all of it at least. .
50.00 Georgie – how she is going with it all. .
53.00 – Josi – needs structure . . .TRIAGE
54.00 – Lenley – I said “Qi needs to flow to let it go” (also have to FEEL IT), and coccyx is the key . .
56.30 – Birth this morning – me a remote doula ..
1.00.00 – Give the men ONE thing to do – and they will do it well . .
STUCK LIVER QI – will hold this up well – and CREATE the hyperemesis . .
1.02.00 – Too fast birth In shock – and body needs to catch up with itself. .
And me showing the points on my body. .


Your lineage in this work – and one with ME and YOU

Accelerator #4 is here Womb Woes to Wonders