More is seen in the earlier books I wrote in the early 2000’s.
living_as_energy – (PDF to download)
Written as a reminder – we are ALL energy first. (As a guide to help us live in this reality/body).
living in it (CLICK) (original book) 2002

living in it (CLICK) – 3 components 2017 edition – Honouring Our Source, Our Bleeding and Our Selves. source
honouring our bleeding (CLICK)

Mother’s ‘Torah’
We were all given a set of instructions. At our mothers’ knee. They were part of life routine.
We may have thrown these out in our times of teen rebellion/handing over sovereignty.
Eventually we may drift back to what was the ‘safety’ of where we came from – and eat and live the way we were started.
Dr Shen’s line – life in thirds – this is what imprints us.

4 stages in a woman’s life – Crucial times when we COULD impact on the quality of being from then on – either way. A second chance at life. To wreck ourselves – or retrieve what is our birthright.
- Puberty
Marriage (in times past – a huge life upheaval – as tribes sent the women out) - Pregnancy
- Menopause
Three treasures
Boundaries – homeostasis.
What governs life?
Qi – and types of
Where it comes from
What is ‘a life’?
What is it governed by?
See your Self Soothing online course
Revisit for you – not what you can do for others
In there there are two charts . .
Self Soothing – Belly Calming self checklist Sheet-1 (CLICK – download pdf)
Self Soothing – Belly Calming self checklist Sheet2 (CLICK – download pdf)
Please print out and fill in this.