2023 – Pricklies Rescue Revision #3


This is a follow on from #2

Pricklies #5Radiation Rescue
28th Feb – Tracey and the Canberra attack

POINTS – TH 5, GB 35, ear apex

Pricklies #6 7th March – Mould, Damp Rescues (‘Climate Change’)
SITA being flooded out of home (CLICK)

POINTS – St 40

Added also in Shen Rescue:
How we are all coping – as quite frankly – things are not as they seem/were..

Pricklies #7 – Life /Sanity Rescue (CLICK) – us (War all of a sudden as next distraction
What with what controls we have/do not have in our lives. .

Covering :
How are we all coping?
Circles – why important to be in top one. .
How we anchor this ‘life’
Mantrum of the Disciple

POINTS – BE CLEAR, CALM and SAFE None specified

What we will be doing . (Still not though – pictures of points on my body)
2.40 – do pause . . . to see heat and damp
3.30 – DAMP obstruction/brain fog
4.00 – Radiation – background/therapeutic/ intentional – acute (cancer) – and orchestrated and catastrophic –
600 – Beth and refusing X rays for kids and chiro .. .
7.20 – TH 5find it TWO FINGER UPS FROM WRIST CREASE LIV 13/ GB 26 also helpful . . . (Dai Mai)
10.30 – Co 4, 11, and TH 5 first . . is imbalanced – so use another – maybe St 36 . .X crossing over the body – R arm/L leg – YANG and opposite – YIN – L arm and R leg . ..
13.00 – No aftercare with post cancer therapy . . also Chenobyl – needed to get pregnant immediately – to have baby die, pulling out all the radiation . .
15.00 – Scanning etc – no idea what happened to me in the A and E department . .
16.30 – 31 IVF egg retrieval and eventually donor egg – and scanning all are wrecking the DNA/Jing . .