
The pinnacle of care/help was in the past – was medical (excellent trauma responses).
Ambulance, hospital – surgery if needed.
Until 2020, the system worked . ..if you were in range of it/in USA – had health insurance.
The Flying Doctor service in Australia is for such a vast country.
Maybe you wonder
First Aid .. til ‘help’ arrives. – WHAT to do whilst awaiting?
What if it doesn’t/can’t? In times past people made do. (Now that the services are over stretched?
NOW when things were too much – we have ourselves. We d have fingers and hands . .Is there more to do?
As an acupuncturists, I have had occasion to use my craft – and I wonder what others would have done.
Thus I put together a set of points to us when waiting . . .hopefully at least all find respite in doing SOMETHING a
Regardless of what is happening, it is easier if the person is not panicking.
You either.
Triage – Prioritizing
Shen – bring it back – the ‘driver’ needs to be in charge of the body.
Cold – get out of breezes/stay warm and take out what is there blocking normal – the natural protective energy needs to be able to work.
Scars – what is blocking healing? Qi must flow – the apparently healed skin showing that that life has happened can e like a fence – shutting down what runs through the body to ensure all works as designed.
Triage is also needed in all times when assistance is asked for.
What is the essential thing to do FIRST?
When anyone seeks help . . usually having been in a not well state for often decades.

Hope – is needed. Giving up is not an option, if you do not like what is currently happening . .
Helpfully, within the class, we have an example
Josi’s husband Chris rolled the buggy lunchtime yesterday. With one child with him – kid is OK.
Dad (Chris) was not wearing a helmet. Was knocked out, he thinks a few seconds. Not ‘with it’ from shock for some time later.
CT scan said no concussion (why do we need a machine to tell us?).
Arm was snared under the metal safety cage – the buggy rolled onto of him.
Not broken but medicos suspect compartment syndrome (increased pressure within one of the body’s anatomical compartments results in insufficient blood supply to tissue within that space..LACK OF FLOWS . .. thus pain .. .
COLD will stop circulation more. All East Asian medicine is designed to get the flows to flow.
Pricklies class 2021/22 class, I had an agenda, but we deal with what is in front of us
We covered Breathing after LIFE rescue . . .as Queshas’s mum was having acute asthma. She was not following Q’s advice (not being in the cold). THEN – I hit the floor. – so we did a variant of what I had intended. . . Pain: STUCK flows. .
Radioactive damage was covered as Tracey went to Canberra and the ones in charge played ‘fight the people’ games
What to do?
Let us start with where you also may find yourself.
Needing to be the rescuer. If t IS you – same applies – get out of panic and FIX IT
You can have a meltdown later. . in all cases below – I slipped straight into FIX IT and did.
FIRST – are you clear?
Have you got your wits about you?
Do you have your hands, and hopefully some First Aid remedies and pricklies always with you?

We will cover what is needed to be always on hand later.
YOU – being able to assist means YOU are there for service – and not your own adventures..interest primarily. Key issue – being present – as anything can happen – and you being responsible means responding appropriately.
Firstly – YOUR HANDS – you have them.
Reiki or some other hands-on therapy – is needed.
Whilst all is falling down around us we have Light and hands . .
Heartful hands also – to calm, reassure and tend the wounded.
(May be ourselves) either whilst, or instead of seeking medical assistance . .
See – It Happened To Me (unfortunately this is becoming a series) s
Stairs (CLICK) and Toe incidents – also Car versus cow, – Jan 2022 stair incident and Sept 2021 shingles (in the eye in my case).
WHAT did iI do in each case – helped me, as I was the only one there. In times past – there are many others -the most life saving being in my 4th birth – Ryan’s C section and the medicos not knowing how to save me from the extreme loss of B.P. after 2 goes (did not work) with their only helper – adrenaline jabs – I used St 36 and saved the day. .Rescuing myself from –
First Aid – are they alive/in danger still/breathing/ bleeding?
Shen . . points that may help (CLICK)
Pain – Acute – will always be Co 4 as a starter.
Although . . self first again ..
1984 – I had a broken-off pin taken out of my heel in theatre – and as I was breastfeeding bo pain relief advised/offered.
That is embedded in the bone pin taking 30 minutes to locate and extract and thus – excruciating afterwards.
and Bl 60 – took the edge off it so was bearable.
We all need to know. It works.

Colon 4 is a good all rounder.
Put it in and if possible twiddle it
Bl 60 – is the fire point for the Bladder- and cools heat –
I was called to a student whose ankle was mashed as he slid under a car that did not see him on his motor bike.
1984 also. He was totally out of it in hospital on morphine. I inserted Bl 60 on other foot and sedated it heavily – he was pain free (with the morphine as an additive) for hours later.
Chris . . . what about him?
Pain means STUCK.
This is acute and needs correcting as he can’t move it.
Shame they do not know structure determines function and have a great structural person there -(non ‘medical’) but life saving . . . ‘Alternative’ to what they offer is huge
Ear acupuncture – works yet huts . . .
From a week before Christmas – the review page (CLICK)
Bronwyn and her tooth
Vanessa and her thumb
Lenley and shin splints
Me and various – see above the incidents pages . .
I will be getting the FIrst AId programme out PLUS all else that is happening (Garden is a jungle from my not being here only 3 weeks!!)