
TODAY – please also review blood/overbleeding
Present: Josi (Bne) – Rainey, Lenley, (Gold Coast) Vanessa, (Victoria) Hilary (NZ)
Covering – Revision, Blood quality, how to mess with it – and clean it – including oral and also foot spas, blood donations, Squalene, Gulf War Syndrome, my dog story, Anthrax jab, Heat, Damp, sugar, addiction.
POINTS – Back Bl points, Huo Tou points, Co 11, Bl 62, Bl 40,
Lenley – question – for later. . . Huo Tuo points – Rainey – blood rescue
4.00 – We are redoing 2x Pricklies for 72022 . . .today is Blood Rescue – in general – NOT the over bleeding so much as we did that and allergies in 3 and 4 . .
6.00 – Blood carries Qi, Shen and warmth – as well as oxygen and nutrients – and as well – the de oxygenated blood – hence spike protein is being issue. .
7.30 – Pain happened as something is STUCK on if something is complicated – DAMP – mold, candida etc ...?
What causes it? we need to go back in time and ask – why is body not sorting out.
9.00 – Qi moves in the blood – crush injuries – could be getting Vit C I.V. – also gluthathione – I.V. straight into veins – will fix anything .. . extra nutrients are needed more when very stressed – body will need so much more nutrients to cope = see Vit C page and watch the links. . .
11.30 – Me and taking 60,000 grams in a day..
14.00 – REVISION across basic concepts. .
18.00 – 6 ‘T’s’- temptation, tension, temperature, torpor, trauma, toxins
20.30 – comparison between Hilary and my tongue. . low thyroid function and DAMP – are ‘hard’ cases.
22.30 – Safety, clarity and then – live well . . me and Bl gets upset with Damp and Heat – when annoyed (‘pissed off’) +++ the structure is not right – is very easy to then with all the physical prompts – to get stuck in The Story . .
What saves us is our BLOOD warmth, Qi and Shen all carried it there as well as all nutrients . ..
25.00 – Points to remember – with Blood. . .
29.00 – Are we making on to hanging in to it, making good quaIity. .
32.30 – Blood donations – the Shen is being implanted. Jehovah’s Witnesses – have it right.. .
33.00 – Need to see a tiny bit of blood when moving Qi – for scar especially.
Blood donations – can we cope – Shen is also being moved over into the new person . . imagine if you have been ‘milked’ for donations as you have a strange blood type. . .and may also get entities – and when people lose a lot – in general – they lose more than the physical – but their Shen moves in it – where gone? Plus the warmth is traveling with the blood and then we have the scars – and belief systems and what even happened to us with the first breath? Trauma all over again .

35.00 – Blood born rubbish = straight in with the jabs . .and me being taken out – and how to rescue to get with this?
Blood quality is the essence . . . how to pull out the toxins?? NEED To have clean blood – see the foot detox
40.00 – Hua Tou points and Bl 62. . . .to clear out the Yang Wei Mai first – any sore point there . You see me doing this with all patients – and also go up the Bl channel on the back . . . if this is sore – needle it as it is stuck. Also could use dermal hammer – springing prickly disposable head on a bendy plastic implement.
44.00 – My dog story – Hua Tou points and he needled the dog equivalent of Co 11 (toxic heat clearance) and he was fine 10 minutes later. .
48.00 – Other heat clearing points – Bl 40 – middle of knee crease – and also COULD take a cup and a half of blood – as this is MACRO bleeding – do not do – we do micro bleeding . . look at Bl points on the back . . .Back Bl points look again
And what they do. Heat clearing points – also Damp clearing points
53.00 – How did we pick up WHAT toxins? Damp always an aspect . .
54.00 – Need clean a environment –
Foot spas – ionic changes and we have what is not supposed to be there – leaching out – in 30 mins –

55.00 – CANCER – rogue cells. . . need to clean out why is not working properly . . .back spot mold DAMP – and of course living when upset and pretending all is well . . (SLQ) CANDIDA – all is a matter of lack of Yang QI to have body working well
1.00.00 – GV people with very cheap nasty shoes – and nail fungus and stinking feet- and lived on bread, dairy and sugar
1.03.00 – Sugar
1.05.00 – Josi gone . .. Rainey – most important – Sort self out – major cause of disease – inner blockages – emotional resistances.
1.07.00 – Lenley – Damp and heat which one?
1.07.30 – Vanessa– clearing out sugar a massive help – and wondering what else went wrong for her mum . . .
1.10.00 – Jabbed? Can”t help – no idea how to undo the instructions that they have allowed to be injected into them . .
1.11.00 – Squalene – and the Anthrax job . . . Gulf War Syndrome. .
1.14.00 – The war against humanity is within the blood. . .
1.16.00 – NEED to have those who want to get better. . . and are happy to challenge what has caused the problem – need to change.,
1.18.00 – Quality of blood is your health . .

hence I stopped going as little coming out.
Always more did if I was taking the detox drops . .
Review – Pricklies First Aid finale