2023 – Post L.L.I. catch up #2


Catch up #1 is here

Please watch this – all fall down – prolapses in general

Post natal care – had we all had it – we would ALL be in a better shape.
Major issue post birth – invasion of cold
Blood loss.
Lack of support . . .
especially post natally – she can get on with life – as who else is there to mind the house, kids and her?
And now – RAGE against what was done to us. .

1.30 – TOO simple
3.00– Birth trauma – need to use Kaliana’s Healing Birth drops on the navel directly and orally . .will sort that out.
4.30 – BLOOD – is what the babies are drinking and we need to be sane, and sleep and be vitally present . .
6.30 – We need to have ingredients to hand them over – to the babies. .
8.00 – IT ALL WORKS – and is so simple . .
9.00 – Central Qi . . .and all other cultures looked after mum – mum will look after baby. . Belly binding
10.30 – Now also – staying safe – and we do not birth well – if we do not. All more on the post natal period in on this site
12.00 – Need intact MUM and perineum and the mum – baby bond.
13.00 – Josi and 3 kids in 16 months – how to parent safely.
16.00 – We all could have been better – had we been looked after.
17.00 – MUST pee before pushing baby out – continence problems if not.

Vanessa adds in
Yes, I was asked countless times to pee before birthing Douglas, probably every 15 mins. I guess I had a lot of ‘old school’ midwives around me. Despite this, no one realised that each of these pees was ‘overflow’ rather than what was retained in my bladder. If only we had known….. If I can find a photo of me in those last weeks of pregnancy – can see the pressure on the system in red face and so stretched. Grateful for those who supported me through. I so wanted to have a second child despite the complexities…. And did successfully although the c section wasn’t my ideal, I chose it to avoid the risk of having mesh (surgeon advised this was a serious possibility if I damaged muscles too much in attendance vaginal birth) I knew I really didn’t want mesh (intuitively). I also wanted to see my baby born so chose elective c section over risking emergency one. Treating Dads diastisis has brought some of the memories back to the fore, and i’d been working on mine a bit since Reconnecting at Lenleys, even found one of the bits of tubigrip that I wore back then to ‘belly bind’ the physio recommended it as an economical option.

20.30 Diastasis and what working on it looks like
23.00 – Rainey also
23.30 – Josi and her experience – living the work – through being in a body. EMBODIMENT
25.00 – Need to know – you COULD stuff them up they need follow ups and we can help
25.30 – Keren and her prolapse . .
30.30 – Emotional is always in the way – middle circle ..
31.00 – Need to hand mums water. . .and need to be supported.
33.30 – MUST use moxa. .
34.30 – Blood energy for Camy – needs to be going to HER not the baby on breast and one inside. . INGREDIENTS to feed baby.
41.00 – SUPPORT needed. Real. To calm the Shem – can’t do threading upon St 24 after birth Also – can’t cup navel as her skin is so weirdly stretched. .
46.00 – Report on Sarah . .and RAGE is hidden away as anxiety . . STUCK
49.30 – Horrible story . . . and – ‘you white women do not now how to look after yourself after you have had a baby’.
51.00 – The amputated breasts . . .who is sorting out the scars? Castor oil and needling . .lots of lymph work also