What is not able to flow – dams up normal and creates its own troubles.

Maybe refresh this first . . and then get into energy/electrics as when we clear the WHY – the WHAT dissipates.
Seems I have done this page x 2 – so after here go to here

Pain is STUCK – something is not flowing – often on many levels
As with all body disruptions – if we had the nutrients and the circulation perfect. and if the Shen was peaceful – pain would not be there
Energy follows thought – and the body remembers everything that has ever happened – and structure determines function
Flows (Qi, Blood, Nerves) Have To Flow and The Body Heals Itself – shall we avail ourselves for Nature’s help?

LIVER QI has to move
When Liver Qi can’t: is thwarted – trouble begins . .
Across all systems . . . .
Digestive especially.
Stuck Liver Qi is called ‘stress’
This is simple . . . . ingredients needed – included Vit D3, magnesium and watar, fat and protein . .
Expectation . .. Energy follows thought – that is when Lamaze Breathing, Childbirth Without Fear, The Bradley Method, Childbirth Education, Yogababy, Hypnotherapy, Calmbirth and The Gentle Birth Method (Dr
The Gentle Birth Method is such a boon – for everyone. Dr Gowri Motha – She is working in on so many levels concurrently.
Based on Ayuvedic traditions.

High risk in pregnancy?
My version -see the table . .

What is ‘high risk’? Medical version – named conditions that are measured against gross blood/testing markers. NOT how she looks/feels
She may be obviously off balance. Medical micro managing/watchfully waiting – is NOT fixing.
The train needs NOT to go off the rails, over the cliff.
Grooming . . .. I LOVE this presentation it is so true – and worsening as the years go by . . .
How is mammalian maternity towards bonded birthing biologically possible? When we stress the couple at every turn?
Nature does not set a person up to win . . .
As I was working on scared mums-to-be in the late 70’s .
As I was a birthing mum through the 70’s – to the 90’s I had a personal (vested) interest in finding out what was happening.

To the let – the three circles model became obvious to me – we are NOT expected to follow men’s and medicine’s rules – the middle circle. Birthing mums are governed by the biology. All mammals are designed to birth well. (Bottom circle).
The top circle allows us to NOT know . .the soul script, the soul contracts and the soul missions – we may be blithely ignorant of.