2023 – Membership #6 – Breast Distress


This follows on from here – Normal breasts – 2022 and 2023
Breasts are for feeding babies – we are NOT covering this – will do that as an entirely separate feature

Lumps and bumps
Breast damage with seat belts
No breasts, one or diff sized
Red, hot, maybe with itchy nipples
Cyclic changes
Named conditions –

Major causes – emotional, ext pathogens (accidents and if they put ice/cold on when breastfeeding – that will with other factors likely give issues .. .- estrogenic lives – pesticides etc Rachel Carson . . Men’s breasts can grow –

5.00 – Cameron – (Gynecomastia (also spelled Gynaecomastia ), is the abnormal non-cancerous enlargement of one or both breasts in men due to the growth of breast tissue as a result of a hormone imbalance between estrogen and androgen. Gynecomastia can cause significant psychological distress or unease.) gynecomastia – he was a normal male – but  . .
7.00 – Acup not taught – 5 Tenets
8.00 – Cyclic changes – run by the electrics . . . not ‘hormones’ . .
9.00 – Georgie and Josi .. . Volcano – at second part of cycle

11.00 – up a couple of sizes – take out the heat and the fluid is there to protect.
12.30 – Why would you add in more great and emotional distress – STUCK already to have the cancer happening . . . instead – get chemo/radiation. People will go back to the horror of the ‘cancer’ journey – they will not look after themselves. ..if want to do it yourself – no community support – no help from others – as they think cancer = medical and if not using this – being irresponsible.
14.40Georgie – what cancer is caused by – cells rogue, and hormones – and mammograms do not find them – worst case – negative hormones cells, mastectomy, implants and worst case they can have – dignity is gone  and they are in a mess.  . and told to eat whatever they want to. . . (sugar)
17.00 – What to expect – and thus the medical betrayal . .
18.00 – Breasts are a health report – cancer is yourself. . .
19.00 – Can tell who will do well- most who are in cancer private clinics have had awful lives..  . segue into SELFING and SELF DISCOVERY  as well as the hands on we could do and education to assist them to LIVE WELL 
20.00 – Detox – pit detoxes along with foot detoxes, zeolites and glutathione accelerator  same as when pregnant – do not tell anyone – it WILL come back again – as they do not deal with what caused it – may then also have peripheral neuropathy gut issues – after effect fo drugs – and all think this is normal – not actually deal with what caused it – and some choose to NOT do this medically – and they fix it themselves. . .stop smoking being self medicated .. .and deal with thls – we will do cancer another day.
23.00 – New problem – get women’s cancers when pregnant . .
How people feel = dictate what body does  and the role of the 8 extras -they store all perverse . .
25.00 – Wendy with breast problems – scars all messing up local areas . .
What might have caused this?
26.30 – Contraception – and the nutrient depletion it causes. . .fibroids and women’s lives in context  1994 – SLQ – sex with no orgasm  . . . not spoken of.
29.00Inner Heat  . . . may lead to inner wind
30.00 – Pregnant woman with black salve eating out her breast. .  .
31.10 – NOT supposed to have cyclic breast changes – SLQ – and read through WDCD

Likely all areas are upset . . .

33.30 – What happens first part of the pregnancy – nipples changes .. .
34.00 – Breast changes in pregnancy . . Iodine would help. . nipples will feel ‘busy’  and normal early pregnancy signs.
36.30 – Fibrocystic breast – will not happen in isolation
37.00 – Special acup point – breast lump  . … . me fixing an implant . . 
39.00 –
Nutrients and circulation – 6 ‘T’s – all are involved – undo this ..
40.30 – Kathryn with one breast . .  (not familial)
41.30 – Gynomastica
42.00 – Letting go of the trauma .. Witta retreat story – one breast was rage and one was fury .. reduced overnight .
44.00 – heat there so fluid happens – and FIX the Liver Qi. .
44.30 – Women losing their lumps when they sort their emotions out . .
46.30 – What most breast cancers in the lateral sides of breasts? Access to toxins.  . Less crap, not more needed. Undo SLQ – causes . .
48.00 – Signs of SLQ . .
49.30 – Asking how Josi is coping
50.30 – Nipple accident . . .
52.00 – Rose and seat belt injuries ..
53.00 – How to undo this? (Dog distraction)  Why I teach as this ..  .
54.30 – Pregnant with a thalidomide breast disarray
56.00 – Resizing . .
57.00 –  IVF drugs and causing breast/ovarian cancers – dangerous and not likely to make babies (see the sperm)
59.00 – Scar – self fat/skin rerouted into breast from belly .  ..
1.01.00 – Nipple duplications . . .

SOUND DISTORTIONS – do come right ..

1.03.00 – Georgie gone – and story of my sister Katie with drain in breast for over a year – whilst she had the implant in immediately – after breast off . .
1.04.00 – Lenely’s prolactin issue – we will do with the lactation session . .
1.05.30– Likely to be in times of VERY pissed off . .

Calm the Shen take out the cold and do the scars.  .and the warnings these who do not know tell them . .

THE BASICS will make such a difference ..