2023 – Membership #3 Breast Health



Maybe pop on this page first?

2022 Version with NZ GW student practitioners

Need online course – Life Essentials – raw ingredients – nutrition

Breasts grow because the Jing said so . .
7 x 2

2 – Designed to feed babies

3 – Not designed to grow other bits –
Stomach and Liver energy governs these

4 – Nipples – special tissue

5 – All shapes and sizes

INGREDIENTS needed for easy breasts

Present – Elke (S.A.) Lisa (Thailand), Beth (FNQ) Lenley (G.C.) Josi – SEQ

2.30 – Calcium build up in breasts . . boron . .
3.00 – Minerals needed – see here – Percy’s powders – NZ
11.30 – What broke us?
14.00 – everyone with their ages of periods and breast
14.30 – Excruciating breast when growing . . not supposed to hurt
17.30 – Nutrients needed.
18.00 – Who had different size breasts than family?
20.30 – Fibrocystic breast/lumps? Cancers . . .and who has?
23.00 – Nipples – St meridian . . heat – inner heat Why cancers where they are found?? Aluminium.. also lymph .moves . .

26.30 – NO SECRETS – as this will create HEAT .. CANCER
28.30 – Rainey and lumps in breasts (iodine)
30.00 – Me reading from my period App
31.30 – Breasts not mad well – Josi . . .
33.00 – Josi using iodine at 3rd pregnancy
34.00 – Sore nipples and breasts when breastfeeding ..
36.00 – Beth and lactation in pregnancy
38.00 – Pain happens as a warning . .
39.00 – Cancer in pregnancy . .
40.00 – Detox the pits . .
41.00 – Lumps, fibrocystic and nodules etc. .
And magnesium – add it in as a gel- with M.S.M.
42.50 – Stuck Liver Qi – all lets go when we get this out of the way . .
44.00 – Contaminants.
45.00 – Context of a women’s life – and size is a problem.
46.00 – Elke and dense breasts. .

46.45 – Too simple – slather on iodine.. ..
48.00 – Caron’s daughter’s breasts – DID grow .. . iodine
49.00 – Mother with no breast tissue to grow. .
50.50 – IODINE – me and small breast cancer problem . . .
52.00 – TRANSFECTION – look it up …
54.00 – SILICA – silicon – where found ? In Fiji water. . look up Prof Chris Exley . .
55.30 – Red clover teas to be simmered – 2 cups daily . . alteratives. . . another page on these here
58.00 – Beth – Diatomacious earth .. .
59.00 – Western herbs . .
1.02.00 – Body puts fluid around the source of heat – toxins are encapsulated. .
1.03.00 – Zeolite powder and water – and add on – also drawing agents. .
1.04.00 Negative ion pads . . . 6 ‘T’s’- I forget Temptation – to believe the medical line – Tension, Temperature, Torpor Trauma, Toxins. .
1.06.00 – What Lenley got out of this today . . Josi – Rainey . .

1.08.00 – Zeolite and cancer/lumps/whatever – take out what is happening out
1.11.00 – Sexual incidents and wring cervix/cancer sin there
1.14.00 – Elke and her iodine experiences. .
1.15.30 – gauge and Betadine – every day for three months and hey presto! All gone. ..cervical warts . .
1.17.00 Duypuytren’s contractures, Sjogen’s syndrome Lichen Sclerosis, dry mouth, dry eyes. . .
1.19.00– Need to get the iodine IN – zeolites and Glutathione to take to get rid of the contaminants. .
1.20.00 – PAP smear? what will you do
1.21.00 – Only one in my family with cancer (breast) was an upset woman .. HEAT – and get rid of this. .