
The intention of L.L.I. is to move womb woes to womb wonders.
We do so through releasing what has been holding her hostage.
This builds on The Selfing and Challenges,
Self Discovery and the untangling of our individual prisons of programming – and what we believe in the middle circle.
The online courses – of moves – Reset Your Metabolism, Foundational Moves, and many others lead into
Reconnecting Bao and Dai Mai, the gut support, all connective tissue, adhesiosn, fascia, scars attended to – plus what comes up.
This involves the pricklies, the Effective Healing After C Section and on into the L.L.I. Accelerator.
I taught this very differently as I am trialing out how to maximise the time we spend in class.
As you saw and felt – this is n intensive, and you MUST have been working on people to not only familiarise yourself with the moves, but also feel what works for you and how.
My intention for the evening before was to complete the Activator series – will do this week as an extra.
We covered prior to this intensive hands-on
1 – Setting the scene – becoming advocates of flows flowing
2 – Ligaments
3 – Mercier inspired moves
4 – Womb work and how we weave the tapestry through the three different lenses (HB, Mercier, Arvigo)
Will do this week . .
Sunday morning – we started late, went into the Mercier moves, so all could feel it on yourselves and on each other.
This was ‘interrupted’ by patients – and the two we did this day were pregnant and not appropriate to work that deeply on them
Both Steph and Bree were great examples of life in action – and both with their third baby on board – very different journeys to there – stories.
Working through what we did on each other, and within the class brought us to uncover . . ..
Working in each other prior to patients arriving . .

O.S..L. checker
Check flatness, (sacrum) – feeling sacral spine: flat, hump or fall down
“Gold mining” coccyx – poking
ASIS anterior
Cold bum
Across shoulders – looks flat
OSL checker – depth/stifness
L – falling down, R shoulder up
Right is more dense, either sore
Left flat, right down
Shoulders: right poke up
OSL right sorer
Josi: OSL rs sorer
Lenley: R shoulder more pokey, L a bit falling down
OSL same
Pokey: left sorer
Heather: L higher and a bit more bitty
Ovarian whirl: more tight R
Felt Heather’s scar and attempt uterine rake, then did it on Lenley, then leg for walk on Lenley
Checkers: tongue – crack and purple in middle (blood deficiency)
Goal/Intention – less heat + Blood rescue
L leg hotter than R
Rosacea, varicose veins, bleed at 36 weeks, hot feet at night
H did round round, sweep on either side, then lymph
Checker: GB and LI
Needling scar on belly
Bil GB 39 for blood energy
1 needle in between boobs – CV 17 – was tender
Tongue less purple, more moist, less deep cracks
Scar – belly trying to get blood out of it – more feeling
Meant to moxa scars and sacral moxa fan after session
H put KI 9 in, (KI energy retrieval )
Lymph pelvis and under boobs, followed by rounds and jiggle
KI checker less sore.
H put in bil. GB 25, Mu pt of kidneys + Kiiko immune pt
Then BL 2nd run, KI checker (GB 25) is better.

Cold belly, tongue: scallops, liver, spleen, yang depletion, cracks
Start with round round and lymph
Navel cupping
Tongue check: darker colour
Now warmer belly
round round and lymph
Very hard !!
Sacrum puffy, bumpy,
H does wakening up btw shoulders and sacrum, porcupine bum,
Bl points + Bl pts in sacrum , Col 11, Kiiko shock pt and Li 2
Tongue a bit more purple
Bil. St 30
H needles scar across chest , 1/2 inch needles, pokey and in where it’s sore.
Liv 8, Ki 10 to build yin energy – Because it was sore.
Scar softer
O.S..L checker on floor
Coccyx straight, not as tender
Heather does heart chakra and wake ups on mid back and along spine
Sacral wake ups
O.S.L. still tight on one side
O..S.L better and deeper
Rolfing sacrum
Sacrum flicks / massage in V shape
Midwife shake
Wobble wobble
On all 4s stretch
Sacrum less bumpy
Felt younger, bum open, more flows,
Cyst residue came out on top of chest!!!
Castor oil packs !