Heather is back and she comes with a warning label

Intention for the day – go over the Arvigo moves as a protocol
We did the Mercier the day before . .
Of course this is a guide only – so you can see why Living Ligaments is totally different.
Not in an hour on the couch for starters!
All need steaming, be be set up to win – slathered in magnesium all through the venture, and
3 bricks – Tax/employee, hardware and software
Bronwyn demonstrates wrist manipulation on Heather
Rainey: prolapse issue ,
Heather does: ovula whirlpool, UT rake, scar on mount of Venus – pubic area
St 24 + LI 2, H not happy with ST 24 varies on bodies,
Needling scar , Bil. COL 10 , Col 11 RH,
Jaw released RHS, feels calmer / letting go
ST 30 to release adhesions
After: tongue a lot different, scar is a lot better
Adhesion breaking and lymph
quotes from Wendy in movie Tongue pic, triage video, steaming
After ca 10 min on steamer lighter movement in shoulders and neck
Ca 20 min: more loose, feels good , tongue pic
“Feels sooooo good”
Feel scars,
Cold belly
No ov whirl
Oldest scar has least sensation
Navel cup , tongue pic, pull up checker
Feels very calm and relaxed
Now Ov whirl
Microbleeding sacrum -> more movement
Attack bum
Lymph pelvis from behind
“That’s incredible “
More bum attacking -> more movement
Feel sacrum: bumpy, puffy
Thieves swab for everyone!
Lenley does wake ups and heart chakra
SLQR “so good”
Sacral and bum gold mining pokey
“I’m feeling so relaxed”
Chest checker – same
H asks: Are you particularly pissed off about something ? – “yes”
Checker chest: difference !
St 24, Li 2
Tongue check: more moist
More movement in neck and shoulder
Scar checker – still least sensation in oldest scar
Lenley is doing round and rounds and ov whirl, UT rake and more sacral stuff
Sacral smash
Lenley does more back work
GB 31, 29, SP 9, GB35, porcupine bum
Steaming , tongue pic, felt very relaxed “it feels good”
Cutting scars on RH leg, LH wrist , suicide attempt at 14,
Jiggle, jiggle tongue pic 2
Cupping, jiggle
Chest gauging
Neck feels freer
Warmer bum
Checker chest
ST 24, chest checker better
Liv 2 more on rh chest checker
Grandma cuddles
? Not sure what was after that?
TH6, GB 34 – ribs ?
to go off with castor oil packs – as you all discovered from being NOT that the day before . .
Pubic symphysis pain, H puts faja on, not in middle but on side because of PS
Scar palpating
Blood energy needs building up
Feeling diastasis
Scoopy on either side
Jiggle jiggle,
Lymph high and low
ST 24, LI 2
Bil GB 34?
pull up easier, hips better, more sensation in scar
Bil. Pts under boot
Ki pt on wrists
St 30 – painful
Round round
Lymph low
Scar on arm from IV – needlied scar
More mobile in neck and hips
Scar needling on chest
Scar adhesions breaking + needling
A lot more mobile
Chest gauges, lymph low and high , round rounds
Sitting up, lots of PS pain
Heather does heart chakra wake ups, sacral wake ups, rib gauging, “I feel so spoiled”
Lymph low from behind
(Go under belly and gently lift and move it)
Needles in – Korean hand acupuncture (sore)
Sacral wake ups and bum gauging “feels new”
Moxa sacral fan and scar