
Reconnector Intensive, there was much to cover.
Towards L.L.I. we
1 – Finish off Pricklies Revision
2 – Introduce the moves in L.L.I.
3 – Grow with your playing with other’s bodies.
A manual for this will appear soon
Essentially it follows on from what you have to date.
The Mercier moves are the key. My version of
We can’t do them the way Dr Mercier does. Violent forcing moves all by themselves. NOT the GW. We do slow. We let body unwind. Thus these moves are advanced care. We see the body through the lenses of the Ovarian Suspensory Ligament – and thus is from now on seen as O.S.L. for me ease of typing. This also means that as it is specialised training – only those who are serious about continuing need to be here.
This is the last beginner’s class I am doing.
After this – some of you (at least Vanessa and Lisa when she arrives) may be taking my place .

Those going on will have a cache of film pages on all of the work.
To be released after the training – full support for the next month.
You have to get into the discipline of showing up for others and
do AT LEAST three sessions a week till 26th and report them.
After this – we will do the same – as it is part of the package.
After April
The 2023 Membership will be offered to you – placement on the site GW – and I will be then full-on advertising what practitioners can do.
Prior to the is – around mid – late April – I will return to be with Lisa, Sita and Josi – and any others who wish to be birthie focussed.
Pelvic Opening site will be handed over to someone to operate – as the couples pregnancy/birthing/natural parenting for sustainable life need activating – the pregnancy books wil be hopefully almost done by then – and the online courses to back up what YOU can be using . .
Helping humanity one belly, on family at a time

This is our first focus – Coccyx/sacrum
The two pages to investigate:
tailbone here and sacrum here
We also must cover a huge amount on the moves we will go through in class on each othre and also on the two pregnant patients and hopefully Wendy and each other . . Transformative in conjunction with all you have done before.
Please bring your blank self made journal and use them to also record with squiggles that you use.
Also the sessions you are having with others. .
At least 3 a week.
This will also get you in the grove to do the more advanced work on same people – when we cover the moves and why/when in L.L.I. class. .
After you have done a month of AT LEAST 3 people a week – not 3 session as in the Reconnecting Intensive followup – the certificates and entry into the GW site as practitioners can happen . .and also then you will be referred to as I will start a campaign to get those who are desperate in to see those who are at least Heather’s hands. .
Sacral wake ups (French class 2018)
Another page on sacral work – the USA group 2021/22
Covering: weekly catch up /cases Q and A
Why we concentrate here – GV pathways, back pain in pregnancy – see your email for the article, Hortence’s point, why we have pain – STUCK and the Liver Qi being involved (emotional) and pelvic opening in birthing
Present: Rainey, Bronwyn, Lenley (ll G.C) , some of the time – Josi (Bne), Hilary (NZ)
3.00 – Lenley and Dave’s dental extractions Co 4, Bl 60, St 40
Also my St 40 experience .
6.00 – Bronwyn reporting on her three patients .
1. Patient with history of clots in left leg & his valves in that now leg weak & does drain well had an ulcer 2 weeks ago. Once he had compression bandage off I microbled his ankles. He noticed heat in that leg straight away & shoulder & neck movement increased.
2. Patient with lower back pain. Did lumbar & sacral work, stuck liver qi, pricklies – 4 gates, tried Shen but couldn’t thread & I didn’t feel confident, abdominal work. She felt she was still in pain after.
3. Patient with chronic lower back pain. Did sacral work , stuck liver, cupping, abdominal work & prostrate work. Felt lower back pain had eased. Pregnancy back article – comes in your email . .
Cases for the article – and the study I did on this – many hard to easy
REMEMBER – work out your own short hand in this work, and fill your blank paged manual with these as you record your cases. .

14.30 – Starting sacrum work . .
18.30 – Bronwyn and attachments to tail bone – all bladder and pelvic issues
20.00 – What is working on tailbone so calming?
Energy – Look at the pathways of the GV , CV and Chong Mai – especially internally – in your Living As Energy book.

GV 15 – Where the GV luo point inserted into the brain . .
22.00 – Need to get the Atlas/Axis aligned when you realign the coccyx and thus the pelvis – a different balance is needed.
24.30 – Beth being a not midwife . .
25.30 – Dads need to step up . . why I wrote WDCD
27.00 – GV 1 and where it looks like on a pelvis. Put Bl 62 in first .. .Hua Tou pints
30.00 – May need to stop in this work – and do settling work . .
Broken Coccyx . . .
33.00 – Locate GV 20
35.00 – Josi DID NEEDLES!!! Thread moxa . . took only 5 minutes !!
36.00 – Very puffy sacrum . . moxa next time. . . past hip pain – insert GB 34 to assist the tendons/ligaments.
40.00 – Hua Tou points also and showing with the boney pelvis
41.00 – CAUTION – you are NOT being acupuncturists – as they are not taught results based ..
43.00 – What order? Calm the Shen then Bl 62, GV 1 – WIND Points if need to know and then go towards porcupine bum – GB 30 – 5 needles – in different angles.
44.00 – Location of GB 34 and St 36.
46.00 – LIver Qi is what drives the tension in the structure. .
47.00 – Hortence’s point – finding it . . .
49.00 – Checkers in L.L.I. add in coccyx, Hortence’s point, sacral spine and O.S.L.
51.00 – PAIN IS DUE TO STUCK . . Josi’s husband Chris – had to work for this – but was a jubilant birth . .
53.00 – MUST get the sacral area free of all that fluid.
55.00 – Anatomy of the ligaments . . THIS IS HUGE – please watch at least once
1.00.00 – Use castor oil packs. .