There is also a Hair Loss page here (CLICK)
This is my eldest son.
He has been altered vastly being my kid – and is why I went into the natural ways of life

Dad was almost totally bald at 28 yo

Nowhere is more obvious aging than when the crowning glory- our Kidney flower – dwindles/departs
See more here –Telogen effluvium (CLICK)
Also here – Hair miniturization (CLICK)
And look to what I covered for Quesha and a friend here (CLICK)
Jing Rescue (CLICK)
Heart Blood depletion (CLICK)
Liver Blood depletion (CLICK)
We covered the class – our own hair loss stories
Also male and female issues – and scalp itch . .
Castor oil packs – and other uses (CLICK)
The usual suspects.
Ingredients (ingested and usable) coming in and the circulation working – all is well
All of this comes down to the 5 ‘flows and the 6 ‘T’s’.
Blood loss after baby has sometimes HUGE life long issues. (CLICK)
Sheehan’s syndrome, also known as postpartum pituitary gland necrosis, is hypopituitarism (decreased functioning of the pituitary gland), caused by ischemic necrosis due to blood loss and hypovolemic shock during and after childbirth.
Sheehan’s syndrome (CLICK)