
From here – a seemingly very ‘lucky’ – yet an ‘unqualified’ mother – we get into where baby is seen to be not maturing as expected (scans).
Thus the medical answer is travel from Colac to Geelong x2 weekly for scans EACH TIME to check him out . . (And then what???).
That is NOT a fix – ‘watchful waiting’ stresses her out on every level.
How did she get to there?
13+ years of horrendous pain.
She did not stop being who she was, doing what she did – a very outspoken public advocate, being a live streamer and being in terrible weather and public hassle situations – all the while having a very stressful domestic experience, being homeless and not in a stable relationship with the putative father . . . and whilst taking herself in hand and likely no longer smoking and drinking cans of coke (we can only hope) ..
There was considerable ongoing ‘stress’ and now she is in a parlous mess.
Apparently cleaned up her diet -though did not seem to be eating enough protein and fat to me . .
See the Brewer diet – is 35 years ago written for inner city USA women.
It misses the now obligatory Vit D3 and magnesium and iodine needs . .
What to do?
1 – Calm the Shen
Stop all medical fear mungering and grooming – having a ‘bet each way’ is not going to work.
Nature knows best – make like a Jersey cow is how I would explain this to my pregnant patients – as with Dr Michel Odent – have them all gathered around a piano, singing … . women need to be tribal, especially at this time. NOT being directed in fear by those who do not know why this is happening . . thus what to do to undo it – and to FIX things as is so very possible – just not their way.