Welcome to the occasional musings of a senior health carer
A few sleeps to go
Till when?
I come down from our hideaway in Far North Qld to teach and to circulate around SEQ/northern NSW

Doing what?
Teaching what?
Heather’s Gentling Way experiential moves.
What you had with me in The Life Alignment has gradually extended around the world.
Seeing some people for sessions. .
If you wish to see me – it is possible:
Do reach out – we may get together somewhere . .
I have a treatment couch and may be able to you. . I will be based partially in Main Arm Mullumbimby, in Bne and also on the Gold Coast to be teaching. Catch me in transit . .
Duncan and I are relocated – different country and different life
# 1 Heather’s southern February programme – 8th arrive Bne, Main Arm 10/12th. Bne 15th maybe, G.C. 18- 22nd teaching, Lismore 25-26th, FNQ 28th BACK HOME
# 2 Heather’s teachings – now in online course format. AND a #2.5 weekend workshop . . .
# 3 We are all having a strange time. My life shifts. – likely mirror yours’
#4 – Heather’s Health Hints
# 5 – FUN . . . Soul voice training – see below – a great personal development/fun time with a few lovely people (Lismore)
Do you need help?
A different look at what is happening for you?
Maybe see some of my graduates?
And possibly ME??
# 2 Heather’s teachings
If you feel it is time to move on in your life. .
Want to find answers – and
Maybe wish to transform
Being Woman – FREE!
Unlocking YOUR scars
Reset Your Metabolism – see more here
Selfing – online – HALF PRICE FOR THE NEXT WEEK see more here
Contact me if you are a repeater for the extra special price. .
Selfing Intensive – see more here and down the page
Men’s Healing – Practical
Life Essentials (was the ‘raw ingredients component of the Apps – now on steroids itself.
Covers such issues as
What diet should I follow?
What IS a vitamin?
Why do I need to eat well?
(Or at all?)
Why is it important to stay hydrated/well nourished?
You can . . .
Do it yourself
#2.5 – weekend workshop
11/12th Feb – Main Arm
You can start it with it coming to a class .
The gift of half price till we start the 11/1th February workshop is here – usually is $147 US now $US 97 – what do you get?
All the What Cases Health info – and the peri steaming workshop and the belly moves.
Cheaper than even a session with me – YOU get to do it yourself – and should you wish to
The Selfing Intensive (Coming Home to Self) beckons.
How to get in? Act fast we only have maximum EIGHT in the class and yes – it is in Mullum.
AND if you are away from SEQ – we will have the Zoom on.
Ideally an immersion in YOU
First priority – take yourself OUT for your usual and come down to the green and the blue. .
Stay locally or visit a local friend – or . .. go Zoom.
call it a much needed retreat . .
If you have done one of these with me before – likely as an Arvigo Self Care – this is NOT the same – and you get the $330 AUD investment – see here. .
Gentle Selfing Intensive is in three parts . .
1 – Online – anyone can and as you have this opportunity – it is at reduced price for this newsletter ALSO can ‘only’ stop here – what you get
A paradigm shift what causes health and how to help yourself from the energy (and womb centric) model that WORKS.
Learn also – why what you have done up till now may be has not . . and what to do about it.
2 – Experiential class – with me in person all weekend – or on line (why not make the effort? – so much better)
3 – Challenge – a month of one hour catch-ups so we all we change who we think we are/what we are and doing . . .SELF first
#3 Life shattering – may also have happened to you . .
After the cow vs car and the shingles in my eye – and the stair incident . . . .
That was enough!!
I wondered why it was taking so long to get back to me.

I was my own full time patient . .
TBI and PTSD and concussion – what a trifecta!!!
Concussion – this explains SO MUCH.
(Plus assorted physical damage still).
Hence – you have not heard much from me as there was not much. .
(In recovery mode – here is more in case you wonder how I repaired myself
My Pricklies First Aid course will be released soon – and I will let you all know – as it is NOT about needling – but knowing what to do FIRST AID – with fingers. Understand why it is happening so you STOP adding insult to injury.
The last Selfing weekend I will run in person – and in Main Arm., Mullumbimby

#4 – Health hints
Intended to let loose what i did up 10 years ago as phone apps. . .
Breasts – what is normal?
All seen from the energy model . .
The electrics of the body – work.
Karina – I met and did level 1 and 2 with her in NZ in 2005 . .
Then MY world went sideways and I had to concentrate on rescuing my sons.
CHANGE will allow you to move through
Remember the movie Groundhog Day