2023 – Feb Selfing at Sita’s – Sunday


With me

Sita (Main Arm)
Lenley (Claigaraba)
Claire (Brisbane)

Lisa – in Thailand

Kelly – on Sunshine Coast

Vanessa – in Grampians , Vict.

Elizabeth (Beth) in FNQ

As most of you are aware I get these up as soon after completion as possible – BUT I am constrained now by the poor internet speed having gobbled up in NOT converting the footage – so – whenever it clicks over to a new ‘week’ of allowable space we will get it done .

When ‘BAD’ Things Happen to ‘Good’ People

Please lose the judgment words – when things happen to people

Theme of this Selfing – Getting OUT of the middle circle
Here is what I wrote in 1999 . . is still totally applicable
Also look to Dr Gabor Mate – When the body says NO


Part of “Who am ‘I’ “
(LEFT) The ‘balanced’ model – not sure if we are ever there . .
(MIDDLE) – as people are usually – the spark is minor/if at all recognised. The middle ego/”I” am in control – has grown out of its place into taking over and ignoring all else.
(BOTTOM) – the biological entity that allows us to be here in this time and space.

There is a session to be uploaded – can’t yet.
The stories we bring with us – c=for clearance and lessons accomplished.

Healing your own Bao Mai

Bao Mai

The connection of the Heart to the Wombspace
Not spoken of in East Asian medicine – I did a search on Google and I was down on the list – I was the only one – so it is filtering through . .

I asked Kaliana to channel specifically to enhance after healing this connection
Her drops are subtle, yet profound.
All of us need them.
And After Shock . . .
Do contact her for a healing session as there will be others that you could well do with.

After lunch

Legacy of other cultures

3.00 – Reproducing women author and me asking here about Chinese women steaming .. not written – women’s mysteries – oral traditions .
6.00 – Men’s stories on women’s health are NOT good enough – so we need to open the ways to heal for all . .
7.45 – Lisa – all young Chinese – do not understand why people study/go to traditional healing methods. . Korean also going away from.
10.00 – Me traveling learning in Korea – other cultures (eg South American) using porcupine quills for needles.
12.00 – Three circles – choice – every minute we make them.
16.00 – My grandmother’s birth story – babies are so resilient!!
20.00 – What did our mothers bleed on? Safe though not that convenient . . Read The Good Women of China – by Xin Ran
22.00 – Beth and early bleeding
25.00 – Aztec/etc people being awful (in our eyes) to each other. Communist China women being made to abort full term babies..
STEAMING . . not only Belizean . .
28.00 – When’s pelvis – designed for birthing thus has a growth plate – and can break. .
30.00 – Showing pelvis with different sized wombs in it.
31.30 – different womb position comparisons.
37.00 – Being a young girl in Belize.
38.30 – Young bodies needing to be respected to not be overused.
41.40 – Other cultures needed their women to be respected so they COULD have a future – the young are the future.
43.30 – Need to have young mum looked after.
1.01.00 – healing after birthing – and the 6 ‘T’s’ . .
1.04.00 – Most important part of the weekend – Beth – time for self.
Lisa – confirmation – sharing of women – circles and connection
1.07.00 – Me as elder sister trying to help.
Vanessa – reminder that we all need to come together – nurturing ourselves . .
Sita – our constant ability to put ourselves second . .
Claire – small continuous changes.
Lenley – toothpaste and Douglas saying to Vanessa – also maybe doing yoni mapping . .
1.13.30 – Beth – what would life be like without the kids .
1.16.00 – Outdoor pursuits in Antarctica?
1.18.00 – Without kids? Was training to be acting/dancing . . . is relieved she did the kid path . .
1.19.00 – Claire? Lenley – easier journey?
Lisa – never wanted to and always thought she would adopt .
1.21.00 – Women in the past did not have a choice . .
1.29.00 – Group photo and when to do the challenge?
1.44.00– Difference between this and Arvigo and this selfing . .
Lisa – more Chinese medicine based – and the pre courses etc .
Vanessa – people’s stories and experiential – and embodiment

Healing the family matrilineage

After meditation

Vanessa – enjoyed . .
Sita – remembered a little penis . . disappointing
Claire – lovely being in her mum’s womb – but dad’s side – grandma needed light
Lenley – had a nice little nap
Vanessa – appreciative