2023 – C scars and Adhesion Breaking


Beginning work – can do at home.

What to do?
Start gently – this is me working after much has been done – The baby is 3 months old at this stage.. her 10 th – all C sections and within 12 years. . .

Body can repair itself – especially if immense are is taken after birth and in the breastfeeding years.
Her body is still remaking itself.

From the Unblocking Your Scar workshop

Unblocking Your Scar Click here for link
Foundational Moves – as much of what is done on this woman is in this – Click here for the link

From the 2005 What Dads Can Do Birthing workshop video

Moxa only needs to be used once – usually after I have needled it .. . Moxa restores normal sensations/Qi flow

Moxa only needs to be used once – usually after I have needled it .. . Moxa restores normal sensations/Qi flow

After her 8th C section – the same surgeon, who up till then – had been wonderful – and who had also cleared up internal adhesions – seemed to do it wrong – and the whole area was a disaster – as it had not been after any other surgery – with LESS skin/tissue to work with – this was the 5th time I had done this work on this body.
The scars from the staples!!! Very obvious. . she had had a drain put in also. .

By now she has had at least 10 babies all C section born in 12 years . .

Gentle start – bearing in mind – she was doing castor oil on this for a month after surgery and had been moxa, comfrey etc – I was not starting immediately after the baby born – so it can look a trifle brutal – but already she and others had done some work on it – I had been out there training the ‘health workers’/midwives a few years prior. .


I then worked on her back – not moxa but hand work – and some gentle adhesion breaking on there also first . .likely also needles as I was at GV only occasionally add had to try to so all possible in one hit. Husband had not done as much moxa on sacrum as needed (8 kids – in this space of time – gives no one time to do much as they also work full time on the community to keep it all together (she walks up a massive hill, and cleans all day – then comes home and her baby has been fed by others, or he expressed milk. Thus she gets pregnant almost immediately – usually 4 months between . . . first me I saw her at 6 weeks pregnant, she had a 4 month old and a child under 2.
Also she has the worst varicose veins and lost about 1.5 LITRES of blood when she was not pregnant at that time.
She is a mess .. . And she does everything I suggest to the letter – is my best student – as she knows that she is only still here by virtue of doing all of this. Why her in this state? She tried to starve herself when a teen. Not a good idea – as Dr Shen says . . . times you can improve, or wreck yourself – puberty being one – and in pregnancy and afterwards – she is attempting to redeem herself. Also as one of her mum’s daughters – all is a mess. her mum was experimented on when 4-5 years old as she was a really allergic kid (would have been vaxx damaged) and the specialists were injecting her weekly with who knows what.

I have done a lot of work on the women of GV and their varicose veins, hyperemesis and back issues plus high risk pregnancy elsewhere.

This is an extreme case – but she is in much better shape than many others I see.
Why? They know they MUST follow the dietary/supplemental dictates laid down by me as they were in a vastly worse state before I came in and demanded fat protein and veggies – and reducing the diet that WAS milk (2 litres daily each) bread and sugar heavy – cheap .. not actually as the children are not well – as not well made. The dental mercury loading, the women with their back teeth – OUT and having to exist on the front ones only. Her ?7th child had NO PALATE at all – and needed surgery to make one. . .