
Either you have been introduced to pricklies over the past 2 years as I moved students of Living Ligaments into where they could accelerate healing – or you have been introduced to this as an addition to your Gentling Way studies. Acupuncture was – and still is – my passion. Not as now taught, but as I experienced in the late 70’s and what I have been playing with since then.
If you started a Qi Moving course with me (and even if acupuncture is ‘your job’), you are likely a bit rusty having not necessarily used the tools of this trade on many – or at all. Hence we are revising the beginnings.
Pricklies are extensions of your fingers.
They can do in an instant what the human digits cannot.
When used with intention, and gracefully can instantly alter what is happening in the physical as we are made of Light, run by energy, and stuck in a physical form. The thoughts can move the Qi to where it is flowing – or not (Energy Follows Thought).
When STUCK has been on-going . .
We eventually coagulate STUCK into the flows not being so fluid = and more congealed.
See here for an explanation on microbleeding