Working on Beth at my place . .
Beth at the recent Ravenshoe crone’s gathering

Prolapse . .
And back /pelvic pain
Under the bum move

We have had to have done lots of pre work – and all the back Mercier moves – as one here – prior to the raking.

In between moves, it is a great idea to gently rock . .
I LOOK like I am leaning – but am very gently assisting the lymph to move along – PLUS this is very calming.

The uterine rake (CLICK)

This is not the first move – you are in the end of working – unless you are doing a brief ‘look/see/checker’ first ..
Under the pubic ledge – MUST have no fingernails.

3 – LEFT
All you are doing is changing the angle of your elbows – the depth and move happens from there.

We go deeper SLOWLY

We start again . .
And move in the centre to one side then the other. .

5 – LEFT

Note I am changing the angle of my arms – simply tipping them up.
That makes my hands follow – and thus the move on the belly happen.
7 – LEFT
Deeper and more force applied.
Starting again – L.H.S.

9 – LEFT

Easier as we go along

Taking the leg for a walk (CLICK)
MUST have worked a lot on back first
Prior to repeating the above uterine raking