2021 – Past endo – now jabbed damage


Endo (CLICK) .  . . Bruising, structural changes – and now more Stuck Blood – injected in iatrogenesis.

She contacted me as nothing was working for her – a Zoom consult June 2020.

NOWMy periods are much better! They are regular and only minimally painful which is amazing!

Q – What did you do?

A – Everything you told me to.

Vit D
Uterine Herbs
No sugar for a month including fruit
Vit B (although I could not sleep when I took it, so I did not take much)
Cupped the cold out
Moxa stick
Oil inside the vagina
Iodine but only a little at the start
No cold water
Warm breakfasts
Self massage


My mum has recently been diagnosed with low functioning thyroid. I feel recently put on weight quickly (mainly abdomen area), very tired even though I am sleeping a lot, my body feel inflamed/sore/tight for no real reason and my face has dropped a little, in the cheeks mainly. Whilst I know that maybe this is ageing it was very quick, unexplained and I cant seem to get any relief. I also have what appears to be a bruise under my left rib cage that has never gone away. I thought it was from some acrobatics I was doing but it has never healed – its been there all year.

Q – Have you been jabbed?

A – Pfizer for both. No booster yet. Last shot was in Sept.
I had a bad reaction to the second shot. Hospital said my immune system over reacted to it, not in a bad way but it made me feel very sick and splitting headache for a week. I also got dry mouth from the first shot.

Pain in hamstring insertion points – 10 years it has come and gone. Now it is constant.
Bruise on left rib area appears, Feb/March (has not changed)
Pfizer Shot 1, August, dry mouth, recovered after a few weeks
Pfizer Shot 2, September, intense head ache, body aches, very tired. Lasted about a week. Went to hospital where they did all the other tests which were fine. Said my immune system responded very strongly which is good for protecting against the virus. Gave me fluids and pain medication and sent me home.
Oct, Getting treatment for Hamstring pain, cant figure out what it is.
Nov, increased and new joint and nerve pain, mostly in the legs, knees, hips and middle back. Hamstring insertion pain increased. Massage not releasing muscle tension. Face has dropped.
Dec, weight gain and fatigue. I am exercising and eating well, I should not be putting on weight. Sleeping 8-10 hours but still tired.
Dec, sudden UTI, have not had one for many many years.
I write this up before I spoke with her. TEMPLATE What happened? (CLICK)

Remember: First Do No Harm

What does the jab do? Spike Proteins . .

JABB 2nd – What Why How (CLICK) – to print it out and have with you. (I will do the 3rd one soon).

Endo . . . Stuck Blood

Bruising – Stuck Blood
Old injury (hamstring insertion) – Stuck Blood
Old injury – bruise – from no apparent reason – Stuck Blood

New injuries:

1st jab – August, dry mouth, recovered after a few weeks
2nd jab:

  • September, intense head ache, body aches, very tired.
  • Nov, increased and new joint and nerve pain, mostly in the legs, knees, hips and middle back. Hamstring insertion pain increased. Massage not releasing muscle tension. Face has dropped.
  • Dec, weight gain and fatigue. I am exercising and eating well, I should not be putting on weight. Sleeping 8-10 hours but still tired.
  • Dec, sudden UTI, have not had one for many many years.

Treatment? Pain meds and wait for it to get better info from medicos.

This is why I suggest you go over this again . .
And work with what is – as we did in last Pricklies