Welcome – something anyone can use

Sounds odd – try it out – I can’t prove it wrong
NOTE – Personal responsibility reigns here. This is not medical advice, or aligned in any way.
All beings not controlled by those who feel they have sovereignty over others
None of this purports to step on those toes that feel that they have the only truth/rights over what others do/think or say.
Not steeped in rules, other than those of natural life – seasonal – cycles of planetary making.

What is Mirror X? – A way to help yourself
HOW? – By understanding that the body is a connected organism – and one side/area – reflects what is happening elsewhere.
Origin – I suspect all work this out eventually, as I did.
Why is it? – Body has its own wisdom.
How is It? – Easy – mirroring one area is the answer . .
What you need – An open mind and fingers
What it may feel like (for you) – Becomes more obvious – as you do it – expect to make a huge change!
What it feels like for them? – Instant relief
When to use? – Whenever in pain – or nothing else seems to work.
When NOT to use? – Cannot imagine – is a principle of acupuncture work with what is clear -not what is damaged – especially if it is acute done recently
How to set it up so all win? – Just do it . .is totally ‘safe’
1 – We have been gifted a body.
2 – We have chosen to be here, now.
3 – Earth is the planet of free will/free choice.
Why are we playing a distraction game?
If this intrigues you .. .perhaps see another site. (injurysolutions.info)
Top for bottom, front for back, and left for right – always
Possibly it is time to change your opinion of what a body is .. ?

Reminder – we are all Qi – channel of energy based
First – two tales of what happens when we see the body as a physical expression of Qi/energy.

CASE 1 – 1978 in a shared flat, my then husband was showing someone how to block punches.
She was not quick enough and did not. Black eye cometh!! I had no needles, but as I had a baby in cloth nappies, I had a safety pin, I run it through the flame of a match, then attacked the end of the meridian/channel affected. Other end of the one by her eye – to the bottom of the toe next to the big one – and where the point St 45 is. No blood came out – just a watery substance with a hint of pink.
I have not seen this again – when you bleed a digit point – is fresh normal blood.
I reasoned that the bad energy needed rerouting instead of creating havoc – so i did so .
She DID NOT GET A BLACK EYE – not even any swelling.
NO PAIN either – we cleared what would have caused all of this.
By correcting the source of body distress – allowing it to ‘vent’ – no more blockage.
Instant is best – as the ‘perverse’ energy needs shifting OUT, not left to block flows, and eventually fester. This shows as the bruising and soreness etc that usually follow.
CASE 2 – 1979 – in my first clinic
I repeated this ‘trick’ soon after. I stared back at the body I had taken a needle out of the point Lu 1. Instantly there was a large hematoma – bleeding o-under the skin. WHY? – I would have punctured a blood vessel. I was not concerned. I bled the other end of the meridian – on the edge of the root of the thumb nail – and looked back – and ALL THAT BLOOD ACCUMULATED – had gone . . Maybe you have to see it to believe it – but this was my daily playground – the electrics getting corrected to relieve all that ailed people – and of course they then got to do it all over again – if they did not sort out their life direction.

Unfortunately, I have managed in my adventures to mess with my most important body parts – hands/fingers especially. Various personal accidents – as I am a Reiki channel, my hands are best in use on the injured bit. It is always magic. I leave them there till all pain is gone. Often there is still an echo. I often can’t drop all I was doing (usually in a rush) and attend to myself.
(A lesson in SELF FIRST).
CASE 3 – 2017 – Coorparoo Life Alignment Centre
I had a full morning booked. At the very beginning of my work day, but I dropped an Ikea flat pack on the edge of the root of my big toe nail. It hurt. And I had no time to do as I would normally – stop all to fix me first – (Anything and especially Reiki works best immediately).
Back to my toe. . I did a little Reiki, but patients were coming in and I tended to them. As the day went on, my toe was not quiet in letting me know I was ignoring a big problem. Towards the end of the day, whilst I had someone sitting up with needles in them. I was working on her back issue – I sat up on the other treatment couch, and popped needles in my opposite thumb. Instantly all was relieved. You will be using fingers – and that is all that is needed but ideally I would not have left it that long, I was amazed – that it worked. I normally was providing care – not accepting it. She was blown away that I was amazed – after all – that is why all came n to see me!! When nothing else worked.
Having set the scene for you . . .
Hip- shoulder, Knee – elbow, Ankle – wrist. LOOK at what you are doing – the area mirroring it will be surprisingly sore.
As you correct the blockage there – it will move. Keep finding more points and as you saw me one the video – massage it away.
Now to the Mirror X with your fingers . . .
1 – When you have a problem – leave what hurts alone. The Qi is disordered – work to clear it elsewhere – Mirror (see below) or Mirror X.
If an upper back/neck/shoulder problem – is not where you play with – it hurts, is blocked, and massage there is likely to upset it. Instead – use the rump/bum/hips. it always works!!
2 – Go to the other side of the body and the other limb and go from there.
3 – Look at where you hurt and find the corresponding area on the opposite side, opposite limb. (MIRROR – X)
4 – Pressing/massaging this will relieve where you first hurt .
5 – Move the hurt bit about – the pain where it was originally will move – and a new area will want attention
6 – Go to where this resonates on the body part you are playing with.
7 – Repeat as often as you need to – till all is quite,.
8 – May need to repeat – and know it will always let you know when more is needed,

RIGHT big toe
corresponds to the LEFT big toe
This goes for all the body . .
Little toe need the opposite little finger

Any part of the hand /foot is shown here
CASE 4 – 2019 – on a home visit
Me again . .
I slipped on a patch of water and fell heavily – bending my left thumb right back. Ass I was needed to do what I was there for, I had no time to Reiki. I sat back in between waiting for her needles to work – and attacked my ankle/where the big tie connected to the leg .
And it was OK – I did not break anything. There is so much Vit D3 going through me, green veggies, plenty of real fat, minerals and salt – that there is flexibility – and breakages so far have eluded me. And magnesium – as I apply it to all others all day in practice, and to myself now – overly cautious of hip breakages? Apply there at least x 2 more than anywhere else – but you do not need to put on sore bits (instantly fixes them though – or at least reduces what was your painful reality) as it all goes straight into your blood to be circulated to where it is most needed and the heart, nerviness/depressions and so on would also be undone – see the Nourishing YOU course below).
CASE 5 – 2020 – moving house
My little finger got between the wooden bookcase we were loading up and the metal trailer. Past pain . . I saw the joint all exposed – no bleeding all white bits. Reiki. All I was good for – and even in sleep – I was Reiking – also when not the little toe on the other foot was attacked as it also was sore – let us not miss anything as we do not need to go through life collecting wounds STUCK bits. A few years later – there is no scar no stiffness, and no residual pain. . .
Hilary’s foot – we were adhesion breaking first to free it up a bit
At about 2 minutes, I started in on the OPPOSITE hand/wrist – this is how it works. You hear me doing ‘checkers’ – we need to have goalposts..
Perineal pull-up and temperature. . tongue .IT ALL WORKS – and we need to have validation – for ourselves and those we work on/with.
Clear life residue.- mirrors . . as well as Mirror X, we have Mirror . .
My sister Katie’s thigh (52 years ago) As a newly minted acupuncture practitioner, I was visiting NZ. My teenaged sister had come off her then boyfriend’s motor bike a year before. The handle bar had connected with her, in the flesh above knee, leaving her with a painful lump. I got her to sit in a chair in front of me. I sized up where the lump was, relative to the other leg. I found a VERY SORE point mirroring the exact same spot on the other leg. I popped a needle in that (other side). Mirror not X. The lump on the smashed in side – was all gone – no pain . . All fixed .. .
Needles work . . .
We are all covered in energy/electrical ‘wiring’ and although it is not even given lip service by the loud – you are a body practitioners. (Those ones that say ‘we don’t know’ – and more ‘research’ needed – whilst they inform you of your hopeless/and the apparent need for you to stay on their selected cours eof )n) action and medication all your life. Also to take surgeries., etc. . .
WHY NOT – allows life to happen? Sort out the instructions . .
All we need are ingredients going to where they are needed
And wastes removed – this of course includes old belief systems/and what is STUCK holding all hostage. . .maybe see more here?
SELF HELP – (see self paced courses to learn more)
Free Your Own QI
Unblocking your scars – has also how to undo adhesions
Healing Power of Touch
The Foundational Moves online course shows you all of what will get you out of pain
Especially when linked with Nourishing YOU
Open up to a brand new you – and life – when you let Light in!!